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"Get back here you sorry excuse of a father!" Kushina Uzumaki cried out, with her hair flowed wildly like Kyuubi's tails and pulled her Kodachi out of its scabbard, chasing after her husband who was running away while trying to dodge his wife violent slashes.

"Kushina, I can explain!" Minato cried out and stopped the sword by clapping his hand together around the blade, just a few inches above his head.

"Mom mom, calm down" Naruto tried to calm his mom down with a nervous smile. This wasn't the first time he was able to witness his mother's short temper but he couldn't help but feel nervous when he approach her. Minami and Naruko, after they were informed about Naruto's promotion along with their mother wisely backed off and were currently hiding behind a corner, not wanted to be a part of Kushina's wrath's targets.

"And you" Kushina pointed her hand to Naruto, still trying to push her blade down Minato's head. The woman poked him in the forehead, where he was wearing the Hitae Hinata gave him "What were you thinking? You're not ready to fight in the Chunin exam yet, it's very dangerous!" She snapped her head to Minato "and you! Were you out of your mind? Making our son fight with that Hyuuga girl?"

"Hey, he is a Gennin now alright." Minato smiled nervously, he was then forced to one knee as Kushina pushed more force into her hands "The council demanded a test to Naruto, so I paired him with Hinata Hyuuga...I mean, what is the best way to show your strength other than best the latest rookie of the Year?" He then added as Kushina glared murderously at him "guess what, he won with few trouble!"

"Yep mom, I beat her and gained this" Naruto pointed to his forehead protector.

"I was not talking about that" she cried, making both father and son flinched in fear. Kushina's expression darkened and she looked a lot scarier than before "Even if Naruto won, there is no guarantee that he will also pass the Chunnin Exam. That is a very dangerous place, especially for someone who didn't have any experiences in the real life battlefield" she pulled her Kodachi back and gabbed Minato's collar "And you seriously think that our son can participate in this event?

"Uh...I believe so" Minato said with a force smile and Kushina crooked her fist back.

"Hey mom, this is my idea." Naruto pushed his mother and father away from each other "I'm ready to do this. I really want to prove myself in the Chunnin Exam. I had been training in secret to prepare for this...plus," He then pointed to his forehead protector "Wearing this, that mean I'm officially considered an adult and can make my own decision, you know" he said.

"But you're still my son, Naruto" Kushina shook her head "and I don't think you're ready to participate in the Chunnin Exam this year" she said sadly "I'm sorry Naruto, but that is the truth."

"Truth my ass" Kurama growled "She is as stubborn as I remember"

"Plus, even if you're ready...You don't have a team Naruto, Chunnin Exam is also about teamwork..." Kushina said. Of course being one of the most important Kunoichi of the leaf, she was allowed to know about the Chunnin Exam and heard about its challenges from her husband. Stage three might be a different thing, but stage one and two would require teamwork between teammates. One could pass those stages alone, but it would be really hard and for someone who was called the worst Shinobi ever, it was almost next to impossible.

"Oh, I already thought about that..." Minato let out a bright smile and turned his head around to look at Minami "Minami, please come out here."

"M-Me?" The blonde pointed to herself, turning to her twin sister who only shrugged her should and gave her a blank look.

Minami then shyly stepped out of her hiding spot and stood in front of her father, with a nervous expression on her face.

"Yes father?"

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