To The Land Of Waves: II

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With a firm resolve team 15 decided to continue their journey. The mission was proceeding smoothly untill the mist started to appear. Sayuri suddenly threw a Kunai and to everyone surprise it was a rabbit:  Naruto said: You almost scared me there Sayuri? But I must say its quite unusual to have a snow fur rabbit during this season.

Sayuri said: I guess it is a dinner for someone else. Don't you think Minami?

Minami sensed it and said: Sensei, it seems we have an intruder.

Kakashi gave signal to hinata and she activated her byakugan, when she saw the blade coming she commanded voice said: " Everyone, Get Down". and to a mere feet away where Naruto was standing the long blade landed. It was very close to Naruto and on top of that blade a man appeared with tall length, thin with a muscular appearance covered with bandages and with sharp teeth like appearance, in a dangerous voice he said: "Well if it isn't some bunch of Kids playing Ninja"

Kakashi said: Momochi Zabuza, A Rank missing nin from the Kirigakure also known as Demon of the Kirigakure.

Zabuza replied: Oh My. If it isn't Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi and my eyes make me wonder if it isn't the Legendary Uchiha : Shisui The Teleporter . You both are famous in the Bingo Book of All remaining Shinobi Nations.

Shisui said: Momochi Zabuza, we have no interest to fight you. So,leave since we have a very important  mission to do.

Zabuza said: Oh I can do that, just Hand over that Old Man to me and you are free to do as you please?

Kakashi said: That is something we cannot do while revealing his Sharingan:When he did that, Hinata, Minami and Sayuri got in formation to protect the client Tazuna.

Zabuza said: And who is this one? He said while looking at Naruto: His resemblance is very much similar to Yellow Flash. Don't tell me he is the Yondaime only son?

Naruto asked: So what of it?

Zabuza said: It means i can bring so much pain to the Hokage once i can Kill you.

He Slashed his sword to Naruto and Naruto instantly jumped to dodge and attack him but to his surprise Zabuza caught his leg and said: As much i would like to Kill you, I will go for them first and then he threw naruto into the Water Surface  so hard that thrown at very deep in the river.

While Minami screamed for his brother It was Shisui who warned him: Minami Don't move from your place. She said: But Naruto is my brother sensei, he ?

It was Sayuri who replied: Have faith in Him, Minami.

Minami : But Sayuri.

Minami said: Don't think for a moment that Naruto will die from something like that. Don't you remember what Yasaka said to us, he is a warrior. He will never give up? Don't forget for a moment that he is the most unpredictable Ninja of our Village.

Hinata: Have faith in Naruto Huh. I wonder what is your intention when you speak in that manner,but you are right for that one fact. He is the most unpredictable ninja i have ever seen. Let's see what he is going to do?

Kakashi thought: Seems like they are very sure that Naruto will survive. I wonder if its their love or some sort of female intuition. Naruto come on?

Zabuza said: Now that the pest is gone, Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Technique.

Hinata activated her byakugan, Sayuri activated her Sharingan and Minami switched to her sensory mode and in that mode she sensed Naruto Chakra and was relieved that he is still alive.

Zabuza Engaged Kakashi and Shisui at once. But the difference in strength was clear. Zabuza had the advantage of the water which made easier to made a clone  and got behind Tazuna, while Tazuna was scared Minami released her Adamantine Chain in order to suppress him and Hinata Jyukened the clone with Air Palm.

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