Enter Yasaka Hime. Youkai Leader of Foxes.

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Man, that was good" Naruto said in satisfaction while opening the door of his room, who could have think that his elder sister could make such a fine dinner like that.

"Hello" he flinched in shock and instantly pulled out a kunai to counter any assault when he heard that unfamiliar voice inside of his room.

"Who the hell...what the?!" Naruto asked but trailed off when he saw a voluptuous young woman with golden blonde hair and matching golden eyes, wearing the tradition miko outfit with white tabi and red hakama sitting traditionally on his bed while sipping a cup of hot tea in her hands.

At least, he thought that it was tea she was drinking.

But the shocking thing was that she looked almost the same as the golden Kyuubi sealed inside his body, almost like a carbon copy, with two foxy ears on top of her head and nine golden fur tails resting on the bed behind her.

"YASAKA!" Kurahime squealed out in a high-pitched tone inside of his mindscape.

"Naruto, is everything alright up there?" He heard his father's voice and quickly acted.

"Yeah dad, everything is alright!" he called out loudly and, after seeing no hostile action from the golden haired woman, quickly stepped into his room and closed the door behind him.

"Right, tell me who are you and what business do you have with me?" Naruto asked loudly, still having his kunai in his hands "and also, how did you be able to get into my room?"

The woman half opened her eyes to look at him for a moment before she put away the cup of tea, putting both of her hands traditionally on the bed in front of her she bowed her head slightly to him, saying with a polite tone.

"My name is Yasaka, princess of Makai" she introduced politely "and I'm here for my mother, the one who is being sealed inside you" his eyes widened after hearing her saying that "by the way, the door wasn't locked"

You're Kurahime's daughter?" Finally, after a long moment of silent Naruto decided to be the one who opened up first, and he asked that as if Yasaka wasn't telling the truth.

"Why yes I am..." Yasaka nodded her head, looking straight at him in the eyes.

"Well, I thought you might be her twin sister or something but..." he put his weapon away, seeing no hostile intention toward him, other than she said she came here for her mother "I mean, no offence or something but..." he spoke up a little louder so that Kurahime would be able to hear him as clearly as possible "...Wow...I mean, it's kind of hard to believe...completely speechless." Naruto said that while cracking madly. His mind was still trying to absorb the information "The mighty Kyuubi...the evil vixen...daughter..." he tried to bite in the laughter, but it was actually hard to stop letting out the sounds.

"Speechless" Kurama couldn't help but agree.

"Your point?" Both vixens asked at once, with Yasaka being the humbler one.

"No offence but, it is hard to believe that there was a guy actually managed to put up with Kurahime" Naruto said sagely, crossing his arms on his chest.

"What do you mean by that you mother fuc...!" But Naruto quickly shut the link between them for a second so that he wouldn't have to hear what Kurahime was going to say next, even though he knew perfectly what it was. The golden Kyuubi was completely exploring inside of his mindscape, her face red with anger and her tails flaring around her wildly "...Do you even know how lucky you are when a woman like me took a single glance at your pathetic face?" She cried out in absolute anger and completely transformed into her true form "That does it! COME IN HERE HUMAN SO I CAN KILL YOU!" the golden fox bounced her head against the bars madly.

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