Challenge for Naruto by Councils.

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"I think it's time we start this meeting." Minato said calmly and removed the Hokage hat from his head, putting the object on the table and knit his fingers together in front of his face.

The Shinobi and civilians who were presenting in the Hokage's Meeting Room immediately turned their attention to the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha, sitting straight up and become absolutely silent so they wouldn't miss any of the Hokage's words.

Sitting at the head of the long table, Minato nodded his head before moving his eyes to his right slightly to look at the Shinobi Council. Every single Shinobi and Kunoichi of Konoha was represented by this group, who were the leaders of the Shinobi Clans from within Konoha, the heart and core of his village.

Tsume Inuzuka of the clan of Taijutsu specialists Inuzuka Clan, the head of Konoha's Intelligence Division Inoichi Yamanaka from Yamanaka Clan, his advisor and assistance Shikaku Nara of the Nara Clan, Choza Akamichi the fifteenth head of one of the five nobles clan of Konoha, the Akamichi Clan.

Sitting next to Choza was the leader of another noble clan of Konoha, Shibi Aburame. On the insect user's right was none other than Hiashi Hyuuga, the leader of Hyuuga Clan, one of the current two strongest clans and the third noble clan of Konohagakure no Sato. And last but not least, sitting right beside Minato was the head of the fourth noble and the current Konoha's strongest clan Uchiha Clan, the captain of Konoha's Military Police Force, Fugaku Uchiha.

Minato himself was the representative of the fifth noble clan of Konoha, the Namikaze Clan.

There was an empty seat between Hiashi and Fugaku, belonged to none other than his wife Kushina Uzumaki the representative of Uzumaki Clan in Konoha village but currently his wife was out of the village for a very important escort mission so Minato would represent for the Uzumaki.

On his left, even though he would never say it out loud was his least favorite group, the Civilian Council. The first thing he did when he became a Hokage was took away as much power and influence from them as possible, because they never paid much attention to the Shinobi matters to begin with, always demanded him to increase the amount of fund for schools, hospitals, markets...which Minato got Shizune took great care about that. The leader of this little group was none other than Danzo Shimura, formerly the Sandaime Sarutobi Hiruzen's teammate but retired when he realized his golden time was long gone.

He didn't want to have them here when he was about to talk about his son, but every meeting needed to have both sides of Konoha's government. Choosing to ignore them would only bring him trouble afterward and maybe even his son, who clearly none of the members of the Civilian Council appeared to like because of the soul of Kyuubi sealed within him.

"Shikaku how is the preparation for the Chunin Exam?" Minato asked, looking at the genius Nara.

Everything is going into place, Hokage-sama." the man nodded his head "We're still preparing training ground forty fourth for the second stage but all the Shinobi and Kunoichi at Chunin and above Chunin level met the qualities to become judges have been chosen and readied to response for duty."

"Good." Minato nodded his head with a smile "I have no doubt that this year Chunin Exam will go smoothly."

"Hokage-sama," Hiashi spoke up with a clam tone "How are Kushina-san and her team's mission of escorting Tsuchikage-sama to our village?"

"I received her message this morning she said they will arrive at Konoha tomorrow morning." Minato said and the Shinobi Council nodded their head.

"Hokage-sama, your wife wasn't in the best shape when she accepted the escort mission." Danzo suddenly spoke up "Are you sure Kushina-san and her team can carry out this mission?"

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