Chapter Five

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I got home and went up to Bella's room. I opened her door and saw her sitting on her chair In front of the window. I knocked on the door frame and closed the door behind.

"Hey, Bells. How are you?" I asked, I sat on the floor next to her and faced her.

"Fine." She said not looking at me, she looked like she's been crying for hours. I looked at her and sighed, I got up.

"Come on." I lifted her up and sat in the seat with her on my lap sideways, she curled her legs up and rested her head on my shoulder. "This is hard for both I us." I said and kissed her forehead while she cried quietly, I looked out the window for hourse until it was dark. Bella ended up faking asleep in my lap.

Once it was pitch black outside I picked her up and carried her to her bed. I tucked her in and went to leave, "Violet?" I heard.

"Yeah?" I asked through the darkness of the Odom.

"Can you stay with me?" Her voice cracked, I took my shoes off and got into bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her and brung her closer to, heating my body up at the same time.


I waited until Bella's alarm went off to get up

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I waited until Bella's alarm went off to get up. I turned off the horrible beeping machine and watched as Bella slowly woke up.

"Are you going to school today?" I asked her softly, she nodded so I got up and went to room to get ready. Pulling on a beanie and my jewellery I went downstairs, Bella waited for me looking paler then ever.

"Just tell me if you wanna go home and we will." I told her while walking with her to the car. I drove to school and we got there just as the bell went. As I was just about to go in something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. My eyes snapped towards the tree line and I saw the same dark fur and golden eyes.

"I'll see you at lunch, Bells." I said and waited for her to go inside. When she did I went towards the forest, I felt the eyes stay on me as I came closer. Walking behind the tree I saw the alpha.

"Why are you following me, alpha?" I asked him with a challenging stare. He growled and back up behind a tree, I waited a minute until Sam came out from behind it only dressed in shorts again, what's with him and being topless?

"There is a boy, he seems to know you." He stated with a glare.

"And what? Are you going to take me to him or is that it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He sighed, "you're not supposed to cross over to our land but I need answers, so come on." He demanded and shifted, not even bothering with his shorts. I ran along side him, jumping over the river when I promised I never would again. We stopped at a house, not Billy's. This house was decorated with flowers and plants making me love it already.

"He's inside." We walked into the kitchen which was empty, "we found him in the woods alone, he found out we were shifters and told us a story that seemed to be about you." Sam explained, I frowned with confusion, about me?

Sam led me down a hallway and to the only door that was closed, "he doesn't talk much, until you earn his trust. He's like a dog in that way." Sam shrugged.

"How long has he been here?" I asked him.

"A week or so." He answered, I raised an eyebrow.

"A week? Why didn't you come to me sooner?" I saw him a few days ago, he could have told me then.

"I only got him to talk since yesterday, he was mute up until then. All of my boy's had to leave because they were getting fed up with him." I sighed and nodded, Sam opened the door and I saw a single bed pushed against the left of the room, a desk on the opposite wall and a wardrobe was to the right. It wasn't much but I guess it's a guest's room. Sitting on the bed was a boy around 15 or 16, he had dark brown hair, a pale complexion and blue eyes. He looked extremely shy as he pushed himself further into the corner.

"Hello, darling. I'm Violet." I pulled out the chair from the desk and sat opposite from him. He looked at me skeptically, like a wild animal trying to figure out something. I smiled warmly, "can you tell me your name?" He didn't say anything for a few minutes and I was about to give up on his name until I heard him mutter something, "what was that?" I asked him.

"Nathan." He said quietly, a human wouldn't have heard it because he hid half of his face behind his knees as they pressed agaisnt his chest tightly, but I heard it.

"Hello Nathan. Sam said you told him a story." I said, Nathan looked at Sam who was behind me before turning eyes back to me, "do you mind telling me what it was about?" I asked, I felt like a therapist who was trying to get their patient to talk but I felt like I was doing all right.

"Wolves and vampires." He answered quietly yet again.

"So you know about the supernatural world?" He nodded making me quite surprised.

"Was it...was it some sort of war between them?" I asked, trying to figure everything out.

"No. Th..." He started but stopped himself, he sighed and put his legs down, crossing them. He looked at me in the eyes, "my grandfather used to tell me stories, stories about a queen and her shifters." Nathan started, "she, herself wasn't a shifter like them, she was a cold one. A very powerful one making it hard to understand that she was their queen. There was fights but she was always fair and kind, she controlled them. My grandfather used to say he had these weird dreams when he was younger, he said the dreams weren't of his time and he didn't even know about shifters or cold ones until then. So, he prophesied there would be a queen that would rule over the shifters and she would be the most beautiful woman, with blonde hair and turquoise eyes." He finished, I sat there with wide eyes. My mouth opened and close like a fish, I didn't know what to say.

"Did he think this would really come true?" I asked Nathan.

"Yes, he was always true to his word. My father said he got those dreams because he was struck by lightning a number of times and he was just slowly going crazy but I thought differently, I always believed my grandfather." He answered.

"Wh-what was the queens name?" I asked, on the edge of my seat I listened to his answer. I felt Sam walk closer also wanting to know.

"Her real name was, Anastasia Louella Hillianet." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god I'm gonna faint." I said and rushed out of the room and outside.

"That's you, isn't it? You're the girl from the story." Sam said walking out with me.

I breathed out needlessly, "Yes, my real name is Anastasia." I comfirmed. He ran his hands through his hair.

"I can't believe this." He said to himself. Neither can I Sam, neither can I.

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