Chapter Twenty Three

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As I run I think of all the times I've had to save Bella's ass, so many times. I was just technically a guardian for her as a child, maybe that was my destiny, to live until I meet her and save her from herself. That seems to be what I'm doing right now without even thinking otherwise about it.

A branch scratches my face making me sigh in frustration, nature is not helping me right now. I arrive at the cliff, wind blowing through my hair just like in my vision or premonition. A figure stands, looking over the edge.

"Bella?" I call over the wind but not loud enough to startle her hopefully.

She turns around and looks at me with surprise, "How do you always know where I am?" She asked as she took a step back towards the edge.

"Please don't. Why are you here? What are you doing?" I ask ignoring her question, what was she trying to prove?

"I'm sorry, but I need to see him." She shakes her head and took another step back. My eyes widened, she was so close.

"Who?" I ask almost hysterically, "Edward? He's not coming back Bella." I try to reason but knowing her she won't listen.

"I'm sorry, Violet. About everything." Before I could do anything she steps off the edge and plummets towards the water.

"Bella!" I yell look over the cliff to see her still falling, "fuck!" I scream. I take off my jersey and throw it next to the rest of Bella's clothes she took off which I just noticed. I jump off after her seeing she had already gone underwater.

I hit the water in a matter of seconds and see its almost pitch black underwater. Before I could make much effort in looking for her, something grabbed my arm making me gasp in surprise. I look down and see a dazed looking Bella. This girl was seriously insane.

I wrap my arm around her waist and swim towards the surface, the waves making it harder to swim then I thought. I growl in frustration and raise Bella up out of the water.

Feeling something tug Bella I let it and get pulled with her, I crawl onto the shore next to Bella and see Jake, of course. He's always the one to save Bella.

We both kneel over her before I look at Jake expectantly, "come on, give her CPR or something." I push him to snap him out of his thoughts, he finally starts helping her by pushing on her chest. As much as I hated him touching her I couldn't do anything, I didn't want her to die.

After a few seconds, Bella coughs up the water from her lungs before looking at her hunky werewolf, wow thanks. "Jake?" Was the first thing she said.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asked her with concern and disbelief.

"I wanted to see something." She answered, I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Lets get you home." I sighed and lifted her to her feet.

"Get her home. I'm going to help out at Harry's place." Sam called, where did he come from? Oh well.

"What happened at Harry's?" Bella asked, I was confused too.

"Harry Clearwater had a bear attack. Charlie and my dad are at his house." Jake answered, I wasn't told about this.

"Is he ok?" I ask.

"He's gone." Huh, I wonder how his family is, I feel real sorry for his kids even if I've never met them, Sam's told me a little about them and they seem like good kids. I hope I'll get to meet them soon.

"I'll go get our stuff." I said and race off back up to the cliff not really wanting to be in the car with Jake and Bella, all they're gonna talk about is a bunch of crap I don't care about.

I grab the stuff she left seeing her watch and clothes, I also see the bracelet I gave her for her twelfth birthday. I remember that day, we were so happy and she actually liked her birthday back then. I gave her the bracelet as a promise I would never stop loving her or protecting her, she said she wanted to be just like me. I didn't know what that meant back then and I still don't know now, if she meant how I acted or if she wanted to be immortal, it scared me slightly but I forgot about, until now.

I sigh and grip the bracelet tightly in my hand before racing home seeing as it was getting dark quickly. I arrived at the same time as them but Jake looked hesitant. They both walked over to me, Bella saw the bracelet and quickly uncurled my fingers from it and put it back around her wrist, I smiled slightly at that.

"Wait." Jake said when we went to walk towards the door, "there's a vampire here."

"Other then me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, Jake glared at me.

"How do you know?" Bella asked him.

"I can smell it. I'm getting you out of here." He growled looking around as if they would jump up from anywhere.

"Thats Carlisle's car." Bella said looking at the car in front of us, hi did I not see that? "They're here." Bella rushed to the front door.

"Wait no its a trick. Bella you gotta come with me." Jake said desperately.

"They won't hurt me. And most of the Cullens are Violet's mates, we'll be fine." She said, I shrugged when Jake looked towards me.

"Look, if a Cullen is back here this is their territory. The treaty says we can only defend on our own lands. I can't protect you here." He explained.

"Ok, its ok. You don't have to." She said reassuringly.

"Your about to cross a line." He tried once more, I just stood back and watched everything.

"Then don't draw one, please." That was a good answer, I liked that.

She rushed inside while Jake stood outside looking defeated, I placed my hand on his arm comfortingly, "she'll be fine, I promise. Thank you for looking out for her." I said with a smile, he nodded and crossed his arms with a sigh.

"I just wish she would listen for once." He said.

I chuckled lightly, "so do I, Jake. She's very stubborn." Hopefully this won't turn out just as horrible as when they left, Bella won't be able to handle them leaving a second time.

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