Chapter Eleven

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One Month Later
27th of November

It was Saturday and I decided to stay home with Bella. I sat on the chair infront of her window, Bella sat in my lap. Paul was right, I do treat her more like a baby then an adult and it has to stop soon. I can't keep babying her when's she's eighteen, it's not right.

"Do you think they'll come back?" Bella suddenly asked, I rested my head on hers and watched dad rake the leaves outside. It was coming into winter as it was getting cold for everyone.

"I truly don't know." I whispered to her, I didn't. I haven't heard from them for two months now, sometimes I catch myself thinking about them even when I try to forget.

"Maybe I'll see him one day, before I die of old age or something else. He'll be there, waiting for that day." She said. I frowned, sounds quite stalkerish to me but whatever.

"Maybe." I said.

Two Weeks Later
11th of December

I watched the snow fall to the ground, it was beautiful. It painted the ground a pure white. I loved fresh snow, it was so pure and white, and the sound as you stepped through it.

I stood outside, looking up into the sky and loving the feeling as the snow landed on my face. This was one of those times where I could actually relax, until something bad happens.

Christmas would probably not be a joyous occasion this year with everything that has happened, and the most my family knows about me is that I'm a little depressed. Sometimes...I feel like I should just runaway again, go somewhere else so no one has to deal with me. Maybe I should just go back to my brothers, the Volturi.

I looked down at my phone as it dinged for the fifth time in the past hour. It always read the same sort of thing, 'why are you ignoring us?' Or 'I miss you.' The last time I answered them was when Alice decided to call me last month, it was only brief but in that short amount of time it seemed I had hurt her again, telling her to just forget about me.

"What are you doing out here?" I turned my head to the left and saw Bella wrapped in a blanket standing next to me.

"Just enjoying the snow." I answered, "Why are you out here? It's freezing." I said to her.

She shrugged, "saw you standing out here alone."

I chuckled, "oh, so you thought to come out here and freeze to death. Get inside." I said and dragged her with me back to the house.

Four Week's Later
8th of January

I sat in the truck as I waited for Bella

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I sat in the truck as I waited for Bella. Dad followed Bella to the truck and I knew he was gonna have a serious talk with her, as serious as he can get.

"Alright, that's it." Dad said to Bella as they stood outside the truck so I could hear everything.

"What?" Bella asked with a frown.

"You're going to Jacksonville to like with your mother." He told her, did he mean me too? Because that's not happening.

"We're not leaving Forks." Bella said for both of us.

"Bella, they're not coming back." He said softly.

"I know."

"Its just not normal, this behaviour." And it took you three months to figure that out? Sorry, "quite frankly, it's scaring the he'll out of me and your mother, including your sister. She has to listen to your screams every night. Baby I don't want you to leave. I don't. But...just...just go, go to Jacksonville, make some new friends." Dad tried.

"I like my old friends." Bella told him.

"You never see them anymore. Violet does but you just...hide in your own shell."

"I do. I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow, with Jessica." Bella said with a forced smile.

"You hate shopping." Dad frowned and looked to me, I put my hands up.

"I didn't even know of this, don't look at me." I said.

"I need a girl's night out." Bella explained making me laugh slightly.

"Alright. Girls night. Shopping. I like it. Go, buy some stuff." Dad told her. Bella drove us to school for the first time in a long time.

"And when was I going to be informed of this girl's night?" I asked with crossed arms.

"Just then. Look, you don't have to come. You know it was just to get Charlie off my back. Go do...whatever the hell you do these days." She shrugged, I chuckled and nodded. Hopefully this will be good for her, unless she does something stupid.

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