Chapter Twenty Two

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The next day. I knew this day something horrible would happen, I just don't know what. I can't control my visions right now.

Bella left yesterday looking determined for something, what was she up to now? I can't keep my thoughts on one thing for long before they turn to something else. I'm worried about what's going to happen, maybe I'm overreacting about something, about the argument.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes in frustration before moving my hair out of my face. It was only the early morning so no one was awake to ask me what was wrong, at least I was glad about something.

I get up from the couch and pace around the room trying to figure out why I was feeling this way, I was supposed to be able to see the future, what's different?

An hour past of me over thinking everything. The sun has now risen into the sky but clouds blocked it from sight, another gloomy day.

"Something on your mind?" I heard Emily ask, I turned around and sighed.

"I don't know." I said with frustration, she chuckled and wrapped her arms around me comfortably, I returned the hug happily.

"I have to make breakfast, wanna help?" She asked, I nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

As we made breakfast the boy's showed up one by one looking like they had just woken up which was the truth obviously.

"Can one of you go get Nate?" I asked without looking up. I heard a hum from someone in response and footsteps walking out of the room. As I set a plate down of food onto the table I looked up seeing Nate and Jared walk in.

"Hey buddy." I say to him, he slumps into the chair looking at least a little better.

"How are you feeling?" Emily asked kindly like always.

"Better, not great." He answered tiredly, I held my hand to his forehead and felt his temperature just like any parent does to their kid, he was burning up though. I left him to eat and sat down next to him.

"What was the deal with you and Bella?" Paul asked with his mouth full, I gave him a disgusted face but he didn't see it.

"She just said some things I didn't agree with." I shrugged with my arms crossed showing it didn't really matter, it did but they didn't need to know that.

I frowned, he sudden feeling of sickness took over my body like rapid fire, the kind where you felt like you were going to throw up but you knew you wouldn't. I placed a hand on my stomach as if it would help and took in a sharp break.

"Are you alright, Vi?" Embry asked with concern on his face which made everyone turn their attention to me.

I cleared my throat and smiled, "yeah, I'm fine." I answered quite convincingly. I heard a groan from next to me making me look over to Nate was holding his stomach, "what's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He groaned out in pain, "my stomach hurts."

"I'll get you some water." I said and stood up to get a glass but before I could a sharp pain shot through my stomach like a knife. I cried out in pain loudly as I held my stomach.

"Violet?!" I heard. I held onto the counter to keep my balance. Through all the noise around me I heard a cry of pain from Nate aswell, what's happening?

I gasp when the pain was pushed up into my head creating a pounding headache. I held it as my vision became blurry, "don't do this." What was that, and why did it sound like Edward?

"You wanted me to be human, watch me." Bella? Was this a vision? I've never had one with only voices, they're so loud and clear. After a second I saw green and grey sploches in my vision.

"Violet." A voice whispered like the wind. My sight cleared, I see I'm on a cliff with the forest behind me. The wind blew through my hair which didn't make sense if this was a vision.

"Violet." I jump at the voice and look up only to see a ghost looking Edward standing in front of me, "You need to save Bella, she's about to do something stupid." I frown with confusion, nothing about this made sense.

"I don't understand. What is this and how am I talking to you?" I ask the weird looking Edward. He didn't answer just shaking his head as he seemed to disappear, the wind taking him with it, "Edward, you idiot. Get back here." I call but his ghost didn't listen. Cause he doesn't listen to me, he didn't even tell me what was happening.

Everything soon turns back to normal, the cliff and forest soon turned back into the kitchen I see everyday. That was definitely weird.

"Violet, can you hear me?" What a way to welcome me back to reality.

"I'm fine, I'm good." I said quickly stand up straight and smile once again.

"What happened?" Sam asked with narrowed eyes, how nice of him to be so worried about me.

"I may have had a vision, but it was weird." I answered unsurely. "I need to go find my sister." I rush outside and into the forest wanting to figure out what was really going on and what stupid act Bella was going to do on that cliff. I heard the boy's and Emily shouting after me but I was already running in the direction of the cliff we once jumped from for fun, I hope she wouldn't do the same.

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