Chapter Eight

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Two Weeks Later
28th of October

I walked back into my room after waking Bella up and got dressed, I watered my plants and went to leave but I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was the jewellery from my mate's, I haven't worn them in weeks. It hurt to think about them, I shook off my thoughts and went downstairs to find Bella waiting for me.

"Come on, Bells." I sighed and went outside to find the leaves falling from the trees in brown, red and yellow colors. Beautiful if you didn't already have enough on your mind.


I watched as Bella sat at the Cullens table, I don't sit next to her anymore, she doesn't let me. We only interact when she has her night terrors, I hated this side of her. I turned my eyes back to my table and saw Amanda staring at the ground with a frown like she was thinking. I looked into her mind.

Paul Lahote. Was all she thought, I narrowed my eyes. Why would she be thinking about Paul? He better not have hurt her. She looked up, feeling my stare. She looked at me questionably but I just looked away from her. I hate keeping secrets from people.

I felt my phone buzz so I took it out of my pocket, Emily's name showed up on my screen and I instantly picked up.

'Emily?' I asked through the line.

'Violet, there's something wrong with Sam, he's acting weird. Nathan said something he didn't like and he just started shaking.' She answered, my eyes widened and I quickly got up from my chair making everyone look at me, I ignore all the stares and ran out of the cafeteria.

'Emily, listen to me. He's going to shift, they do that when their angry. Stay away from him, do not go near him and get Nathan out of there.' I said panicking now, I hung up and ran out the front door.

"Violet!" Shit, I turned around and saw Amanda standing there.

"Honey, I really don't have time for this." I told her and started walking again.

"Wait! You know a Paul, I know you do." I stopped and groaned.

"Yes, I do. Now I really need to go." I huffed, trying to get away from the stubborn girl.

"He keeps following me, can you just...just tell him to stop." She told me, I sighed and ran a hand down my face with frustration.

"Just ask him on a date." I shrugged, he had obviously imprinted on her if he's following her, he doesn't like people, especially me.

She frowned with confusion, "y-wha...I don't like him, he's following me." My fists clenched in frustration.

"We'll talk about this later, I have to go!" I said loudly before getting into the truck and speeding off. I made it to Sam's house in record time and rushed inside.

"Emily!" I yelled through the house, where the hell are they? I suddenly heard another car pull up making me run outside.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at Amanda when she got out of her car, slamming the door.

"I need to speak with you." She said with determination.

"Go home, this is no place for you!" I yelled and went back to looking for Emily and Nathan, "Emily! Nathan!"

"Who are they?" Amanda asked while following me. I ignore her and walked down to the beach which was right beside the house.

"SAM!" I yelled while cupping my hands over my mouth.

"Just tell me."

"Amanda, you're really getting on my last nerve right now." I told her. I came to the shoreline but found nothing until I heard yelling, it was Emily, "shit." I ran to them at human speed, Sam was on the verge of shifting and Emily was standing to close.

I quickly pulled Nathan away and next to Amanda, "stay." I told them sternly. Looking back to Emily and Sam I saw him shift in that split second, Emily was too close and I would never make it to her in time but I ran towards them regardless, I could at least stop him from killing the poor girl.

A loud scream of pain ripped through he air as Sam, in his wolf form, raised his large to Emily's face and slicing her face. The scent of blood was suddenly strong but I tried to push past it as I made it over to them, "Sam, get away from her!" I screamed at him and got there before he could do something worse. I caught his large paw with one hand and punched him in the nose with the other, he whined in pain but shook it off and growled at me. I crouched in front of Emily and sneered at Sam with my fangs showing.

"Don't make me shift as well, Sam. You know I would hate myself if I hurt you, but it could be arranged." I said with another sneer. He growled again and I returned it making him slowly back down, he snapped his teeth at me and I backed away, "Sam." I warned holding up my hand.

He whined and bowed his head, I went to Emily side but kept one eye on Sam. He hated himself for hurting Emily but I could tell he was still angry. I took Emily's hands away from her face and saw it bleeding profusely, the scratches were quite deep.

"Keep pressure on that, honey." I told her, I lifted her into my arms and started to walk back to the house. I heard Sam whine again making me look back, "take some time to cool off Sam, I don't want to see you right now. Come on, kids." I said to Nathan and Amanda who stood there in shock.

"Was that all some really weird dream I just had?" Amanda asked, Nathan laughed but I just glared at them making them shut up, all we heard was Emily's crys of pain.

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