Chapter Eighteen

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By the time I got home it was lunch, I walked inside only to hear nothing. I frowned, "Bella?" I called upstairs but heard no answer. Damnit where has that girl run off to now? I take out my phone and text her. She can't have gone far, I sound like I'm talking about a dog.

After awhile I start to worry, why isn't she texting me back? I decide to call her, I wait for her to pick up for two minutes before I was sent to voicemail. I sigh, "Bella, where are you? Ring me back when you get this." I say after the beep. I rub my forehead in frustration and run upstairs to her room just in case she was here even though I knew she wouldn't be. I open her door and see it empty as expected but I do see her computer, I frown and walk towards it out of curiosity. I sit down in the chair and scroll up on the page to see an email Bella wrote to Alice, I click out of it and see about thirty emails that have been sent back to her. I wonder why she wrote to Alice instead of Edward.

I click back into the most recent email to see if I missed something, I read over it and see she was going to head to her and Edwards special place, whatever that means. Have I missed something? What is their special place? It better not be a place where they go to do things I'm think in of, because gross.

I sigh and try to use Alice's power to figure out where Bella is. I concentrate on Bella and her possible future. I suddenly feel a force pull my mind into a vision. It was slightly blurry but I see Bella walk into a clearing in the woods, she seemed alright until I see Laurent from the other side of the clearing. I gasp and the vision breaks away from my mind making me focus on the present. That damn vampire, I quickly run out the door, locking it before I run towards where Bella should be. The thing is, I don't know her exact location which makes it harder.

I try to tap into Laurents mind and hear all of his thoughts, most of them are pretty sadistic making me feel sick. I hear him laying out his surroundings in his head, you know where you just look at everything and think about it in your head? I run in his direction but change course when I smell Bella's scent. I come to a stop and walk through the trees to see her bent over in pain.

"Bella." I call, she jolts up and looks at me with wide eyes. She sighs in relief when she saw it was me and pushed the hair out of her face.

"How did you find me?" She sighs in frustration.

"We need to leave, right now." I tried to grab her a arm but she took a few steps away from me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. You made Jake leave me, you know how much I needed him. Why do you always have to hang out with Sam and the others? Are you cheating on the Cullens?" She asked with disbelief in her eyes.

"Of course not, I would never do that. How could you ask something like that?" I scoffed.

"Because all you do is hang out with them, what about me? When the Cullens left it was like you just went to the next best thing." She spoke with sadness in her voice, I did feel bad but everything she was saying wasn't true, I love my mate's.

I was about to say something when I heard a leaves crunching under heavy feet, I was so distracted that I didn't hear Laurent approach us, "shit, get behind me Bella." I stepped in front of her and gave Laurent a deathly glare.

"Bella and Violet, I believe." His voice was smooth as any vampires would be.

"Laurent." Bella greeted stiffly when I didn't answer him.

"I didn't expect to find you here, especially you Violet, I thought you were a Cullen." He said showing he was actually telling the truth with confusion on his face, "I went to visit the Cullens but found they had moved. I'm surprised they left you, aren't you some sort of pet of theirs?" He asked directing his question to Bella.

"Yeah, you could say that." She answered him with a shrug trying to show no fear while I continuously growled at him but was ignored every time.

"Do the Cullens Visit often?" He asked calmly as he stepped to the left almost as if to get closer to us. Bella stepped to the left away from me, I see her look at something with surprise making me frown.

"All the time." She said after a moment, am I seriously invisible right now? "We'll tell them you stopped by. I probably shouldn't tell Edward, because he's pretty protective. Same with Violet actually." She added.

"I see that, your sister is very protective." He smirked at me, "but they're not here right now, are they?"

"Why are you here?" I spoke up bringing his attention onto me and changing the subject.

"I came as a...favour to Victoria." I frowned, what does Victoria have to do with all this?

"Victoria?" Bella questioned taking another step to the left.

"She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it would only be fair to kill Edwards mate given he killed hers. An eye for an eye. Though it will be harder with your sister around it won't be impossible." I growled menacingly at him.

"I'll kill you first." I said to him.

Laurent chuckled, "I don't think you will, I mean how much do you really care for her if you leave her for someone else?" He asked, I frowned, "I did overhear your little argument. Victoria won't like me killing your sister but I can't help myself, she's just so mouthwatering."

"Please don't, I mean you helped us." Bella tried to reason, Laurent suddenly ran towards us making me stand in front of Bella.

"Don't be afraid. I will show you kindness, Victoria will be planing on killing you slowly and painfully but I will make it quick." He said to Bella over my shoulder. I suddenly snapped and pushed him away with as much force to the chest as I could muster making him fly backwards a couple feet.

"Dont touch her!" I yelled, he stood up with a growl and was about to run back to us when we heard a twig snap to our right. The bushes and trees moved as animalistic growling came from them.

"I don't believe it." Laurent whispered. Sam walked out of the trees in his black wolf form, the other boys followed as they all chased after Laurent who ran away. Jake stopped and looked at us, mostly Bella who stared at him. He snapped out of it and chased after the others.

I heard Bella breath out heavily in relief as we were once again left alone, that was hectic.

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