Chapter Nine

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Emily didn't want to go to the hospital so I had to care for her. She lay on her bed asleep, its been an hour and Sam hasn't come back. Amanda is still here asking Nathan a loud of questions, she knew I wouldn't answer them after fifteen minutes so she turned to Nathan.

I checked Emily's temperature for the third time in the past ten minutes and sighed, she had a fever. It seemed she was going into shock, she has to have an infection or something if she's this sick from a cut on her face. I touched my cold hand to her check which she leaned into it as she slept. I didn't need to stitch her cuts since the blood had stopped and they weren't wide, just deep.

After two hours she was getting worse, I decided to run her a cold bath to get her temperature down.

"Need some help?" Amanda asked as I filled the bath with cold water.

"No, you should be getting back to school." I told her.

"I want to help and school can wait." She said with crossed arms.

"Watch the bath." I said and walked back to Emily, I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom, "close the door." Amanda quickly closed it and came back to my side, "help me take off her clothes." I demanded but she hesitated.

"Her clothes?" She asked with wide eyes, I rolled mine.

"We'll keep her underwear on, not sure she would want a stranger looking at her naked body anyway." I said with no humor to my voice what so ever. She nodded and helped me before I layed her in the bath.

"What's happening?" Emily asked in a daze.

"You're just in the bath, honey." I answered and grabbed a flannel to clean her cuts. She flinched when I touched it.

"Where's Sam?" We stayed silent as she looked around the room, "where is he?"

"I told him to cool off, he's somewhere in the forest." I answered finally, I dabbled the flannel agaisnt her ripped skin and watched as it turned slightly red from the dry blood.

"I want to see him." She said, I sighed.

"You will soon, he's probably kicking himself for hurting you." I smiled slightly. She rested back down and closed her eyes, Sam better be ready for me becasue I'm angry.


Emily was still sleeping after four hours and there was no sign of Sam.

"Shouldn't you be home? School finished an hour ago, your family will be worried." I told Amanda as we all sat on the couch watching tv.

Amanda shrugged, "my mum died when I was young, my dad doesn't give a shit about me and Arianna can hold her own just fine." She said, I looked at her skeptically.

"You left your sister with a man that doesn't care about you?" I rasied an eyebrow.

Her eyes widened, "oh my god. Please let us come back here, I don't want to go home." She pleaded as she grabbed my arm.

"I guess, its not my house but I think Sam will be fine with it, unless he lashes out again." I shrugged and went back to watching the tv.

She paused for a moment, "ok, I'll be back." She rushed outside and I heard her car drive away. Why did I say yes? Stupid.

"That was stupid." Nathan said with a smirk.

"Shut up, I'm not letting them stay home with a drunk for a father." I said stubbornly.

"She didn't say he was a drunk." He looked at me, "oh, I get it, you read her mind. Cool, great."

I rolled my eyes, "shut up." Was all I said.

"How is she?" A deep voice asked, I snapped my eyes to the front door, seeing Sam looking worried. I stood up and crossed my arms.

"Alright, she had a fever. Which, by the way, was entirely your fault." I told him, he sighed and nodded.

"I know, can I see her?" He asked me, looking at their bedroom door which was closed.

"Have you calmed down?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

I pointed to the door, "go." I said but followed him as he went to see Emily.

"Emily, baby." He sat next to her and grabbed her shoulders, she woke up and looked at him.

"Sam?" She asked, "oh thank God your alright." She hugged him, why would he be hurt? I don't understand her sometimes. Shes the one with scratches running down her face. I let them hug it out and went back to my seat.


Amanda and Arianna arrived a few minutes after, I set the airbed up in Nathan's room since there were no more rooms. I felt like a bloody mother, doing all these things for people, caring for them. I'm not used to this.

I decided to stay the night since I still didn't one hundred percent trust Sam. I even made him sleep on the couch which he didnt argue with me about. I leaned agaisnt the kitchen counter and looked at my phone which was the only light in the room, except for the moonlight coming in through the door. Sam's snoring was really getting to me, I was debating on smothering him in his sleep.

I had texts from my mate's, I know it was bad but I never once texted back. I couldn't deal with it, not with everything going on around me. I also didn't want to text back because I knew Bella couldn't, its not fair to her.

A loud snap of a stick outside caught my attention, putting down my phone I looked out the glass door. I couldn't see anything in the darkness, even with my enhanced eyesight. I went back to my phone, passing it off as a deer or cougar.

I played candy crush to pass the time and I was doing pretty good until somebody slid the door open and turned on the light making me squint from the brightness.

"Where is she?"

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