Chapter Six

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I ended up running back to school after that, I couldn't hear anymore. It was so much to process, how did he know my real name? How did his grandfather know all this?

I slipt into a crowd of people in the corridors as they just finished class and it was now time for lunch. I fell into my chair and rested my head on Jess's shoulder.

"Whats wrong?" Jess laughed, I shrugged and sat up straight.

"Where were you?" Eric asked me.

"I slept in and I didn't want to come but came for lunch and last period." I lied smoothly, they looked at me weirdly but went back to talking anyway. I saw Bella wasn't sitting with us and looked around, I saw her alone at the Cullens table, her food untouched. I looked at her sadly and made my way over to her. I sat on her right and looked at her.

"You should eat, honey." I said as I handed her a red apple, she turned her head away.

"Not hungry." She said, she played with her ring as she looked at everyone in the cafeteria. I looked at her wrist and saw the scar James left, it was blue but healing. I sighed and grabbed her wrist to cover the ugly scar.

"I'm sorry for letting this happen." I said to her, she took her arm away from my hand and looked down.

"It's not your fault Vi." She pulled her sleeve down and finally looked at me, "I was stupid." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, she wasn't herself and I hated it. I knew I wasn't myself as well since they left but I was coping a lot better.

I brought her into my arms and held her tightly, "just follow Edward's advice, don't do anything reckless." I said, she pulled away and looked at me weirdly but shook her head and fell back into my embrace.

9 Weeks Later
13th of September

In the past week's I've been visiting Nathan more and he's started to trust me. He has told me a lot more stories from his grandfather but he still hasn't said anything about his other family members. Sam seems to be trusting me more as well, he lets me go to house but only when nobody's there becasue apparently his pack has a lot of anger issues, which is understandable since they have just started to shifted.

Bella hasn't gotten better, all she does is stare out her window. She's not eating properly and sometimes I have to force her to eat, physically force her. I know she's depressed and its getting worse, I've been where she is now before and I know what it feels like. She's also getting night terrors and I have to stay with her almost every night because she wakes up screaming.

Tonight was probably gonna be one of those nights, I lay in bed with her and watched as her she slept quite peacefully. I touched her cheek and found that she was extremely warm so I cooled down my body temp. I tucked her hair behind her ear and listened to her slow heartbeat.

She suddenly started to shake, "Edward." She whispered. A few tears slipped from her eyes making me shake her shoulder slightly. She stopped for a moment but then she started to scream, a heart renching scream. I was scared for her, I started to rapidly shake her and call her name.

"Bella!" I yelled making her jump out of her dream, her breathing was rapid as was her heartbeat. I held her to my chest as she cried, "I'm here baby, I'm here." I rocked he back and forth and calmed her down with the help of Jasper's power. Dad came up but saw I was there so he went back to his room. I layed us back down and stroked her hair.

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