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Its been two weeks since I helped that little kid. But now the bullying has started. But I don't mind it as they are only saying the words  which they have in their mind. But it just hurt as they say things about my parents. I most of the time ignore them.

Today they have organised a big party. The king of the werewolves is coming and he is a lycan. All the wolves in the king army are lycans. Werewolves are afraid of then as the lycans are very powerful,agressive and possesive.

I am sitting inside my room and reading some fictional novel. The mansion is in full bliss. I just have to be there for some more time.


In the Party

The Grey family was waiting at the door for the arrival of the king. When the king came all the wolves bowed down to him. He was wearing a black suit and his warriors were following him from behind.

When he sat on his assigned chair which was at the high place to show his status. The King discussed about his new decisions with the packs who were also invited. Then the king asked about the kid who was found near the borders after being lost.

When the kid came he was afraid and was shaking. The King in his cold voice asked the kid

"Jay. Few weeks before you were lost so how come you were able to find your way back to the pack."

"Your Highness. I was kidnapped by a wolf who was going to kill me and eat me. He had put me in a cave but then a girl came over there and she rescued me."

Repled Jay. Then the king asked him about the girl and then Jay said

"Your Highness I don't remember her face but I just know this thing that the wolf bowed down to the girl and left me. He looked like as if he wanted to fight but somehow he submitted."

When the king heard this he got curious and asked him

"Then how come did you find your way back here . You are only 5 years old."

"Your Highness the girl helped me."

All the beings present there were shocked . The king was thinking deep. Then he calked a witch and told her to look into the boy's brain for that girl's memory but when the witch tried to look in to the mind of the silver haired biy she was pushed back strongly by some unknown force. All the supernatural beings over their gasped.

The king quickly went over to the witch and picked her up. The 270 years old body of the witch was shaking. She looked at the king and said

"Your Highness,I am a very old and strong witch and to push me back at such an extent is only the work of the Queen of witches. In our witches clan nobody can overcome the queen's magic and according to my knowledge this boy was saved by our queen."

When the King heard this he was astonished as his witch Berry was one among the very powerful witches in the whole world.  He motioned some of his warriors to help berry.Now he was tensed but then the reality struck him hard as normal wolves don't listen to anyone and according to the boy's statement the wolf submitted to the girl. It means the girl was powerful  even than him. But how come she was able to help the kid Jay in finding his way back. So it means the girl is in this pack as she need to have werewolf senses to find his way back.

So the king ordered Edmund Grey to to collect his full pack here in the hall. Now his only question was that- Who is this Girl?

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