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Raven. POV.

Its been 2 months with me living here and now me and Xander are a couple. I know Xander was giving me some time to adjust and her took baby steps to make me his girlfriend. When I finally said yes. He was so happy.

And now he just kisses me wherever he sees me. He is like a perfect boyfriend and mate for me.

My studies are also going very well. But from the last few days the pack house is in a turmoil and I guess it is due to their upcoming war with the rouges. I know about it because I overheard their convetsations. Berry Alexander's pack's witch is trying to help them for their war and I can't use my magic because Berry will recognise me. I still feel bad for that day when she got hurt becasue of me.

Xander wants me to go tp their safe house as he wants to protect me but he is hesitaiting as what he will say to me. Right niw I am waiting for him inside the room amd he is waiting outside the room deciding whether to come in or not. We both are living in the same room.

When he entered the room I was completing my assignment. He came to me and sat near me . He was looking at my face so i asked him

"What is it?"

He was shocked for a moment but composed himself and said

"Raven. Here some wolves and some evil men presence has been sighted and I doubt they will attack here so i want you to go to the safe house with all the other tribe members and stay there till we come and finde you guys. It is damgerous for you out there and I don't want to see you hurt."

I can understand his fear and I am not like those girls who will fight with their mate to be with him and will amke him distract during the whole fight fearing for their protection even though I can very well manage those rouges but for Xander I will agree to him. He don't know me but still he loves me this much so i guess I can help him out.

I took his hands and looked into his eyes and said

"Don't worry. I will go there with others. But what about you?"

He looked relieved and said

"Don't worry . I can take care of myself and I have got big guys with me to protect me of you are wondering."

He laughed at my expression and kissed me for being the mate he wanted.


Next day me along with the old lycans and lycan kids were transferred to the safe house which form outside looked like a small cottage but had underground basment where washroom and food storage was kept along with other things for our survival.

On the day of the fight Xander came to me and hugged me. I fused some of my magic to him as it will keep him safe and will heal his wounds much faster. My magic on him will not be traced by Berry as he is my mate. I told him to come back in one piece and pecked his lips and he then ran off to the palce where the fight was about to occur. Berry has already made this place invisible which will amke it difficult for rouges to find. Now we just have to wait.

Xander. POV.

BEFORE the fight I was anxious as how I will make Raven agree to leave for the safehouse as she is a human and doesn't understand supernatural world. But when I told her she agreed without any questioning and all my worries vanished.

She is very understanding and never question my judgement. Berry has already gave us potions which will increase our healing abilities.

I didn't consume it as I am the king and I am stronger than all my lycans. I gave it to young warriors who needed it the most.

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