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Raven. POV.

AFTER I sent Xander to look at his other wounded soldiers and others also home. I was alone with Damon who was sleeping on his hospital bed looking pale. His face was still in pain even though he is asleep. Only two guards are stationed outside his room. I entered his room and stood near the foot of his bed.

I put my hands on his wounds and my magic started flowing through my veins and started accumulating in my hands. My hands start glowing and I concentrated my warm  healing magic on to his wounds which after coming in contact with my magic started healing. My hands were warm and were draining my lot of energy and when his wounds were completely healed I directed some of my magic towards the woods which healed the vegetation which was destroyed during the war.

I was feeling asleep so I sat down on the chair beside him and fell asleep on it with my upper body on the bed and my hands holding Damon's hand.

Xander. POV

After meeting with all the soldiers in a hurry which were injured they felt happy but worried about their Beta and my Friend Damon. It was already 9:00 p.m. So i along with Damon's family and his mate
Jessica whose eyes were puffy. I also mindlinked Berry to come fast and even Doctor.When we reached there the guards stationed outside they bowed down to me. I nodded at them amd they told me that Raven is inside the room . When we entered there I saw Raven asleep on her chair. Then Berry and Doctor came and checked Damon's wounds. I picked Raven up in my arms who snuggled into my arms which gave comfort to me. I was worried about damon lot. And then i saw Berry's face becoming pale and Doctor's astonished. He immediately removed Damon's bandages and saw that his wounds were healed. Berry went near the window and summoned her magic outside but she was pushed back. Damon's mon helped her up and then Berry turned to me and said

"My King, the wounds which were  on Damon's body were lethal and we don't have anykind of medicine which could heal him . But now his wounds are healed."

I looked at her shocked and then turned towards the doctor who said

"My king, Damon's condition was very critical. It was actually impossible for us to save him and it is a miracle that His wounds are healed. His body is also healed properly. Now I guess he will wake up in 5-6 hours."

When Damon's family heard this they became happy and started thanking the Doctor and Berry but then Berry said

"Its not us who saved him. Its the queen of witches who saved her because when I enyered here I felt her magic which was on damon and was going outside when i summoned my magic to follow it I was pushed back which means she was here and was the one who saved the Beta."

When I heard this I was shocked. Firstly she helped that kid and now Damon. What exactly does she want. I looked at Berry and said

"Berry . Can you please check on Raven if she is alright or there is some magic done on her?"

Berry came forward and put her hands on Berry's head and started chanting but this time she was pushed forcefull on the wall. I looked at her and my guards helped her up and the Doctor ran towards her and helped her on a chair. Blood was coming from her mouth. I looked at her and asked

"What has happened to her? Is she alright? Was it the witches Queen? Is Raven in any harm? Tell me."

Berry coughed and summoned her magic which healed her a bit and said

"No. My king. She is alright. Its just that there is some magic in her body which I guess has been used to remove her memories. And it is not the Queen of witches. Its the mother of witched of queen."

When she told me all the air from my body left me. I hugged my Raven tightly to me and ran towards the house to my room and laid her down on the bed. I held her hands and said to her

"Raven don't worry. I will protect you. No witch or any queen can harm her. I will never let any kind of harm done to you. Please forgive me for not being there for you when you met those witches. But from today onwards I will not leave you."

I kissed her forhead and left my two loyal guards for her protection and left to get some answers from Berry.


I called Berry in my office. My delta James was with me as Damon ids not well. Berry came to my office and sat in front of me and James was sitting on the chair beside her. I motined for her to speak and she told me

"My King. The witches whose presence was inside the Damon's room in hospital was the same witch who jelped that kid . She is the queen of witches. And the one who has done magic on our future queen is the Mother of the Queen of witches or you can say our previous queen . No one can break their magic. And the queen or her mother has no vile intentions towards our queen because their magic is white. So we don't have to worry. I guess the presence of queen of witches here in this pack has some motive. And I guess it is just not anything relating to our queen."

With that she left the office amd went to our room and dismissed the guards and saw Raven sleeping soundly. I just hope they don't harm her otherwise I will vanish from this world.

I laid beside Raven and pulled her closer to me and her beating heart calmed me and my lycan . I kissed her forhead and hugged her tightly daring any one to take her away fro me.

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