Chapter 4- Silver Tide

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Above^^^^ is Scarlett's office, very fitting for her. Credit to JadeDragon24 for her characters from A Heart's Desire in this first crossover chapter and for all her help in the editing phase!


I tap my nails rhythmically against the top of my desk, sorting through my files of paperwork and checking their authenticity with the records on my computer. Trying to sort through the chaos and half truths on the screen is giving me a headache, especially since some of the packs seem to just mark their missing members as rogue and leave the reason blank...or fill it with a lie.

I know damn well that one pack cannot justify 15 missing wolves as rogue, and give the same pitiful excuse of 'rejection' or 'unknown' for a reason.


I slam the files closed in frustration, and glare at the phone when it simultaneously rings. I look at the caller identity and growl under my breath...


It's been less than a week since he's been here, and that asshole still hasn't excepted the fact that there are no second chances for him...especially not with me.

I look up to the edge of my desk to see Noir staring at me, his normally hostile expression replaced with a questioning look, the green of his eyes seeming to ask why I'm still thinking about the bastard.

"How the hell am I supposed to ignore him when he keeps calling me?"

Noir just blinks, and begins to lick his paws. Great, now I'm talking to a cat.

~Oh fearless leader?~ a familiar voice sings through the link, and I sigh.

~What is it Julian?~

~There are two lovely ladies from the pack in Northern Florida that are here to see you. Something about an important message.~

Northern Florida...that's the Silver Tide pack...why would they be down here to deliver a message they could have delivered by phone? It must be urgent.

~Let them in, and try not to tick them off with your flirting.~

~Of course...and no promises. Especially since the new kid Brazil had trouble taking his eyes of them.~

I sigh in resignation, hoping that he doesn't get killed for his playboy act. One of these days it really is going to be the death of him...and I hope to the Goddess this behavior doesn't rub off on the kid.

I try to straighten up the mess on my desk a bit before the guests arrive, Noir looking on with clear disinterest.

Rolling my eyes at the feline, I get up and exit my office and head down the two flights of stairs to greet my guests at the second floor, standing in front of the statue I'm quite fond of. It isn't long before Julian comes in, with two girls in tow like he said there would be.

I can tell from here that they both have blue eyes and black hair. However, the tallest of the two, maybe a couple of inches taller than me considering she's close to Julian's height, has a darker olive tone to her complexion, while the one who's closer to my height has pale ivory skin like myself.

I watch as they ascend the stairs, noticing fully how they are appraising me back, which isn't surprising in the least. They more than likely have been curious about who I I wonder exactly who they are. After they reach the top step, I smile lightly.

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