Chapter 28- Eva

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Sitting on the front of my desk, I take pulls of my mates blood from his neck, holding him close so that he stands between my legs...his body shielding me from the view of the office door in case someone comes in...hiding the fact that other than my distressed denim shorts, and underwear of course, I'm not wearing anything else.

My shoulder is still covered in painfully healing claw marks, so until they're healed up I refuse to put on a bra, or a shirt. The one Raphael let me borrow lays on the floor, a bit bloody from my use of it to enter the pack house without drawing unnecessary attention.

Finally I feel the pain leave my injury, signifying that I drank enough of his sweet blood.

"Thank you love." I murmur as I finish feeding, cleaning the bite mark on his neck with my tongue as it closes. Feeding from Raphael has healed my wounds completely, though I'm still a bit sore in my shoulder...

"No need to thank me Amore, you know I'm happy to feed you anytime you want or need..." He replies, that glimmer of mischief making me chuckle.

"Is it because it feels good? Or because what typically happens afterwards is highly enjoyable for both of us?" I tease, licking my lips, and he grins.

"Both...definitely both..." He purrs, and I grin as his mouth brushes over mine, and as his large hands run up and down my sides I pull his head down to deepen the body tingling as his tongue carefully runs over my still descended fangs...he knows damn well how sensitive they are, which is exactly why he does it...

"You're playing with fire Bello..." I purr against his lips, and he chuckles.

"I'm a fire mage baby, I'm really good at it..."

"Is that so?" I reply with a smirk, and he growls when one of my hands slides down his stomach and begins to dip inside his jeans...his body knowing exactly what's coming next.

"Well so am let's see just how much fire you can handle..."

I pull his lips back to mine, but just as they brush together there's a knock at my office door...and both of us groan irritably...

"You have got to be fucking kidding me..." I growl, "every damn time..." I curse under my breath.

"This better be important!" I snarl at the door, me and Aasira both far from happy with being interrupted...especially when we were so close...Raphael tries to calm me down, but he's just as frustrated as I am.

"I apologize Red, but we have an unwelcome guest. Isaiah Newport insists on speaking with you directly." Julian calls through the door, and I roll my eyes and let out and angry huff. This boy needs to let it go...he's really starting to test my patience.

"Bring him up in a few minutes, and remind him knocking isn't a suggestion!" I reply, and as Julian walks away I sigh.

"I know Rosa, five more seconds and..." He says as I quickly slide off my desk to pull on a sports bra and one of his spare shirts. "I'll go take a good?" He continues, and I nod.

"Warm, not cold Raphael..." I imply, and he looks at me over his shoulder. "I plan on making this quick, so I can join you." I purr, and he grins.

"Sei incredibile, Amore..." He purrs before exiting our office to go to our bathroom, and I tap my foot impatiently as I wait for the boys arrival...not really in the mood for this nonsense.

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