Chapter 8 - Full Moon Party

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This is yet another crossover chapter with JadeDragon24 , Eva's POV was written by her. Enjoy!


"Hey Scarlett...I've got a question..."

I turn around from my place at the fridge when I hear Eva's voice, the obvious curiosity in it distracting me from my food hunt...looking for anything sweet to go with the family sized bag of Wavy Lays under my arm. Not the healthiest lunch, I know, but considering the circumstances I'll take what I can get right now.

"Fire away." I mumble around the bag of cheese cubes I'm holding in my teeth as I grab my bottle of grape soda and close the fridge.

"What's with all set up and decorations outside? Is it somebody's birthday or something?" She asks, and I set my stuff down on the island counter before I answer.

"Did no one tell you?" I question as I open my soda, taking a mandatory sniff before I drink any of it. Even if Julian's main focus is Eva lately, that doesn't mean I should let my guard down...even though I have a feeling Jules wouldn't dare mess with my food, he values his life too much.

"Tell me what?"

"I suppose they didn't, but I'll be happy to. You see, in Blackrose we have a tradition of having a party during the full moon. It started when we officially were declared an official pack, which ended up being the night of a full moon. Now it's just a celebration we do every time the moon is full." I explain, and I can tell by the look on her face that she's definitely intrigued.

"What do you do at these parties?" She asks, and I chuckle.

"What don't we do would be a shorter list, honestly. There's games and a BBQ that starts before the sun goes down, some football and basketball...then once the sun goes down and the pups are put to bed, that's when the adults have all the fun..." I trail off, seeing the glimmer in her eyes as I mention the last part.

"Alcohol, dancing, karaoke...and a few of the mated couples go out and have their own private fun. But mostly it's just one night out of the month that we all relax and have a good time...whatever that means for each of the pack members."

"So there might be a football game?" She asks with obvious excitement.

"Actually yes, I asked Mariah to organize the girls. It is usually the boys vs. the girls. The girls have been successful, but not as much as I would like." I answer as I take a handful of cheese cubes and pop them into my mouth before going to open my bag of chips, literally the bag I bought for myself because nothing lasts long in this house without a name on it.

I keep as much of my non-refrigerated food upstairs as possible so I actually get to eat it without fighting over it. Everything else I write my name on in large letters, which is what I've made a general rule for anyone who keeps their personal food in the pack house kitchen...too many arguments have happened to not make it a rule.

"Are non-pack members allowed to participate?" She questions, and I grin.

"Of course, though you should know that you and Sienna are honorary pack members at this point." I check my cell phone as it buzzes, sighing as I remember the building contractors are coming in an hour. "Well, I hope I'll see you at the party tomorrow, it's definitely going to be a fun one this year."

"Good! Great even!" She exclaims, which puzzles me.

"I grew up with 6 brothers, a boy cousin, a father and an uncle who all love football. I guess maybe you could say that football is in my blood, but I rarely get the chance to play since the older boys say they are 'too rough'. Boys." She huffs.

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