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❛ i want you to want me. ❜

SHE WALKED INTO the cafe after coming from her Psychology class. Words couldn't even begin to describe how exhausted she was feeling, her legs ached horribly and her head was pounding - she knew that caffeine was the last thing she should be consuming in her body right now, but she needed something to fix the drowsiness she was feeling.

The cafe was quiet today, which was rather peculiar on a weekday. She entered the small building, greeting the cashier with a smile as she approached the counter. Ronnie drifted her eyes around the room - searching for a familiar face. She hoped he'd be here but just like the same as last week, the table that was usually reserved for him was vacant. Ronnie was curious and worried about him.

Why was he always suddenly disappearing for long remainders of time? He would just be gone - without warning, not that he necessarily had to inform her about his whereabouts but still. "Thank you - hey Bobby." She calls upon eyeing the pudgy man walking in the back of the store. He halted, turning around and meeting the eyes of the brown eyed woman.

"Yes, ma'am?"

Ronnie bit down on her bottom lip, "Is everything okay with River? I mean I haven't seen him in awhile and it's always like he's disappearing." She tries not to assume the worse once she sees his face falter. Bobby shifts his weight between his feet, eyes casted downward as if he's contemplating on telling her the truth. Now she was truly worried.

"He's just going through some personal stuff at the moment. He's fine, I promise." Though he attempted to assure her - Ronnie still didn't believe the words he was spewing to her. She needed to see him for herself in order for the concern she had to diminish.

"You wouldn't happen to know where he lives do you?" Ronnie knew the suggestion was absurd, so did Bobby by the way his pupils widened at the question. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating yet again, but ultimately jotting down the young man's address. Ronnie thanked him before disappearing out into the dark streets.

She pulled into the rugged apartment buildings twenty minutes later, following the directions that Bobby had given her. Ronnie eyes followed the numbers that were painted on the side of the building, she parked her car and exited the vehicle once she spotted his—apartment 7B. Ronnie climbs the wooden stairs that led to his door, anxiousness seething her body as she stood in front of the door. She releases a shaky breath as her hand lightly taps on the door.

She waits—pulling her jacket tightly over her shivering body as she waited for him to answer the door. She stood outside patiently waiting for three minutes. She sighed deeply, turning around on her heels and preparing to walk back to her car until she heard the knob jiggling. Standing at the door once it open, was River—dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers. She assumed that he'd just woken up because he was still sheepishly rubbing his eyes and yawning softly.

Ronnie kept her eyes glued to his face, trying to ignore the taunting good looks of his bare chest. She clears her throat.

River's eyes finally snap open and instantly connects with hers. His pupils widen and his face flushes a deep shade of red once he looks down at his partially naked attire. "Ronnie! I - um, what - what are you doing here?" He squeaks, his voice still thick with sleep.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay. I haven't seen you all week." She announced, watching him nervously shift his eyes. He gulps thickly, sheepishly rubbing at the back of his neck, biting down on his bottom lip. He glances over his shoulder before pulling the door open and stepping aside, "You wanna come in?" He offers.

SAPIOSEXUALजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें