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  every heart wants to feel real love.❜

THEY SAT ON the couch closely coddled against each other—his long arm extended behind her, securing her in place while she cradled her body comfortably against his chest. They've been sitting in the same position for the past half hour, gazing at the warm fire that cackled in the fireplace and exchanging a few languid kisses.

"So, you've liked me for a pretty long time, huh?"

River nods, glancing down at his nimble fingers which he intertwined within hers. He proffered them with a gentle squeeze before answering. "Yep. Since the day that I first met you. I just remember opening my eyes and looking at the most beautiful girl in the world." His words caused her to blush, she smiles shyly before playfully rolling her eyes.

"Ok, then what took you so long to tell me?" Ronnie accosted playfully, though genuinely wanting to know the answer.

River hesitates on revealing the real reason for him not telling her his feelings but they'd just got back on good terms and he didn't want to start off being dishonest with her. "Insecurities and fear mostly. I guess it was hard to believe that there was a possibility that you could actually like me back and I didn't want to deal with the humility if you didn't reciprocate those feelings, so I just kept everything a secret."

Ronnie looks at him, quite astonished by his answer. She was unaware about his insecurities and about the fact that they contributed towards him not telling her how he felt. She began to feel terrible because she hated that River doubted himself so much especially when it came to her.

"River, I've told you before how much of an amazing guy you are. Any girl would be lucky to have someone like you in their lives, me included. I like you for you, okay? That's all that matters." She says, declaring each of her words and looking deep into his eyes hoping that he would see that she meant every word she spoke.

He gives her a watery smile, feeling grateful for her words. She leans forward and pampers him with a soft kiss.

The heated kisses were leaving him breathless and dizzy. The more they deepened the more River felt himself growing weak under her control. "We can stop—if you want." She suggests after noticing how windless he appeared. River quickly shakes his head, denying the offer.

"No, I'm okay." He mutters lowly.

He rests his hand on her upper thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze before moving it upwards until it landed on her waist. He hooks his arm around her and gently placed her on top of him. She gasps softly, surprised by his eagerness. "Is this okay?"

She nods hurriedly, anxiously wanting to feel her lips against his again. "Yeah." Ronnie's dark hair curtains over his face as she leans forward. He treads his fingers through them, tucking a hand behind her neck and caressing his thumb against her cheek.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers lowly into her mouth.

She chuckles and retorts back with a quirky answer. "Mm. So are you." Ronnie swivels her tongue around his wet mouth, whimpering softly as they wrestled for dominance. River swallows the staggered moan that she breaths into his mouth.

This is what happiness feels like, River thinks to himself, getting lost in the feel of Ronnie's hungry kisses. He's only felt like this one other time in his life but even before then he's never felt this happy—genuinely happy. And in this moment sitting here with the woman of his dreams, he hoped that it would never end.

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