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❛ i never knew my heart could dance. ❜

HE SITS ALONE—head resting against the steering wheel as he allows a heavy sigh to slip through his parted lips, mind wandering heavily on Ronnie. After that disastrous moment that they shared after dinner, he decided to leave in attempts to decrease the awkwardness that tainted between them.

He knew that he probably should've said a proper goodbye to her before quickly departing from her house, but he assumed that the sooner he left the less Ronnie had to worry about. Every time he reminisced back on the solemn look she had on her face when he denied her kisses or how the thick tears spilled from her almond colored irises; undeniable guilt surfaced through him.

The night was going perfect he had everything he'd wanted: Veronica Drew, the woman of his dreams had kissed him—with raw passion, determination and made him feel things he never experienced before. But he had gotten so entangled with his emotions  that he didn't realize the reasoning for why she was pampering him with those sweet kisses. She downed two glasses of wine.

River knew that even if she wasn't completely drunk, he still had to be certain that she was sober enough to make the rational decision. But before he could even give Ronnie the explanation as to why he stopped, she started accusing him of not liking her 'in that way' which to him—was absolutely ludicrous because if she honestly knew about how he felt about her then she would know that he liked her more than anything.

Why couldn't he just told her how he felt? He ripostes lowly, tightening the grip he upheld on the steering wheel. It was the perfect opportunity to confess but of course, his timorousness kicked in and he fumbled through the moment. I like you, Ronnie. It was simple. Four words that he should've been able to say.

He feared the position of their friendship he pondered if she would ignored him, or harbor hostility at him. It seemed as if no matter what he was always the one that initiated the downfall of their friendship, whether because of what he said or what he didn't say correctly.

Everything was just so complicated but all  he wanted was her.

Getting out of his car, River steps outside and locks his doors. After coming back from work he stops at the coffee shop—needing to speak with Bobby about his problems, also wanting to grab himself a cup of brewing tea. The small bell rings over his head as he pulls the door open, he walks inside and steps over the threshold.

Stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket, he proceeds towards the front of the room until he reaches the counter. A small smile creeps up on Bobby's face as he catches sight of the young man.

"River, haven't seen you in a while how've you been?" He asks, quickly swiping his dirty hands on the front of his apron.

"Yeah, I'm just getting by. Taking it day by day, you know?" River responds with a simple shrug of his shoulders. Bobby courts him with a nod of the head, understanding where he was coming from.

Bobby has known River for almost four years now. He understood some of the challenges that the young man has faced. Bobby was the first one to provide River with a home after seeing him struggling on the streets. He would allow River to stay after hours and treat him with a few baked goods. It wasn't much but he always did the best that he could for him.

"Yeah, I hear you. Do you want your usual or are you switching it up today?"

"The usual." He responds as he reaches into his pockets and pulls out the crisp five dollar bill. "Thanks, Bob." River shoves the change into his pockets before waddling towards the tables.

He occupies himself at his regular table, placing the steaming hot cup of tea down onto the table. He sits quietly sipping on his tea and reading the book he held in his hands. It wasn't until he heard a familiar sound that made him lift his head and quickly scan his eyes around the room.

He feels his heart drop and a hollow lump forms just at the back of his throat. He wants to look away—he knows he needs to because the longer he stared the faster he could feel his heart shredding into thousands of pieces.

They weren't dating nor together officially and she was allowed to do or see anyone that she pleases. It still didn't help mend the heartache that burned heavily in his chest.

She sat at the table three chairs down from him, her back was facing in his direction but he still he knew it was her. In the seat across from her sat an unidentified male: tall, handsome and muscular. They were engaging in small conversations, he appeared to be providing her with some sort of comfort because suddenly River sees the mysterious man placing his hand over hers.

Ronnie lifts her head and glances at him in the eyes, crinkling her lips into a small sympathetic smile, nodding her head at whatever words of encouragement he was speaking to her.

At this moment, he regrets not packing up his belongings and quickly leaving the vicinity. With his eyes still boring at her, River sees the man's thumb gently brushing at her cheek. He leans forward and presses a small, soft peck onto her right cheek, smiling as he pulled away.

River immediately diverts his eyes away and swallows the lump in his throat. His hands begin to tremble as he closes the book and sets it down on the table. He scoots his chair back and quickly pulls his jacket back on, attempting to keep his eyes off of the scene ahead of him.

"Hey you okay?" Bobby asks as he begins to approach him, concern painted all over his face.

"Yeah, yeah. I um—" He sighs, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to blockade the images and the sounds of her laughter from his mind. "I need to go." Grabbing the book, he weasels his way through the tables and stumbles towards the exit.

"You okay now?" Trent inquires, rubbing his hand over Ronnie's as she nervously nibbles down on her bottom lip. She was grateful for his friendship and that he allowed her to vent about the current struggle with her 'relationship' with River. Normally, Carmen would be the one she would go to about her issues but she knew that Trent would provide her with better advice.

Ronnie had been feeling conflicted about everything; about the current state of her and River's friendship, if he liked her.

She wished that she could talk to him and find a way to resort through the issue but she was still too deeply embarrassed by her promiscuous behavior and the sexual advances he held towards him that night. She didn't know if she would ever be capable of looking him in the eye ever again.

One thing Ronnie could admit, however was that she missed him terribly. His presence, his laugh, his eyes—and how she always get lost into those deep oceanic blue eyes. He was the most amazing person that she'd ever met in a while and all she could think about was how she ruined everything between them. She wishes she never kissed him because then at least everything wouldn't be awkward between them and they'd probably be at his apartment watching a movie together.

Be courageous, kiss him. Forget all those things you said about ruining the friendship, it's so obvious that he likes you too!

She scolds at the lingering words that circled around her mind. She had never been more wrong about anything in her entire life.

"No, but I'll get there eventually." She admits truthfully—knowing that there was no way she could lie to him or herself.

Trent smiles softly before leaning in and capturing her into a hug. Ronnie burrows her face into his chest, while he rested his chin atop of her head. "It'll get better, V." He places a kiss into her hair before gently pulling away. "I'm sure you two will work everything out."

"Thanks, Trent." She sighs deeply before slipping her arms through her jacket. "We should get back, Carmen paged me earlier and said she needed you to pick up a few things for her party."

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