Meeting Them!

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My life ain't ordinary. I'm rich thanks for being a princeton, pretty and sexy, well that's what they're saying about me but you know what I think? I think they are right! it was so true and one thing to add on it, well I'm mean, actually the meanest girl in the campus. I always do the bullying thing to all the students and count the number of guys who are drooling over me.

I have a cousin whom I really hate - SKYLAR!  or do I really hate her?

She's the good and the most perfect human being on Earth!! ughh.  We used to be bestfriends but not anymore after that day, maybe she already forgot it 'cause we were still young back then, but in my mind and in my heart there was this scar that won't be healing and I'm sure no one could help me with that until she came along - ADRIENNE!

At first I thought I'm just being friendly to her. I'm mean right but to her I'm not that too much. I find  Adrienne a mystery that needed to be solved. She's famous and kinda good with everyone but I could sense in her the longing for------someone or something? still I couldn't be able to comprehend.

What I just do know is that I'm falling for her and I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine and I'm praying and hoping for the next week school event she could come for me to execute my plan and Yes I'm a Bisexual 😉


Me being me and being loved by my 3 bestfriends. I'm not the kind of girl whom you want to mess up with. Sure I'm kind and caring plus with all the good qualities you could listed upon but beware 'cause if you want a fight I could give it to you easily.

To tell you my story ahm.. I'm an orphan, when I was 10 my parents both died in a car accident, they were rushed to the hospital but instantly pronounced as DOA. After that tragic accident I become  a grasshopper, hopping from one place to another.

I become aloft and caged myself up. I started to hate the world and everyone who's living their lives to the fullest. With no one to give their back on me my mom's sister took me in but it was like I'm living in hell. She was the total opposite of my kind, sweet and loving mother. I cried every single night and asked God why he's doing this to me and why he's punishing but got no answer.

When I turned 13. I left the house of hell and take care of myself. I tried to take jobs but due to my age they won't allow me to work. I slept on the streets feeling hungry and smells stinky and no one bothers to help me, who cares right? they don't know me so why bother helping me.

Until that day came. It was tuesday May 14. I woke up from my slumber when someone's shaking my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes just to see a pretty girl about my age who is smiling at me. She asked me why I'm sleeping there and I told her the story, she nodded and gives me her hand but instead of holding onto it I just looked at it.

'' come on, grab my hand '' she told me smiling doesn't care if I'm dirty and smells bad.  I grabbed her hand and let her usher me inside the car not realizing where's our destination would be, then after a while the car stopped infront of a big and fancy house.

I didn't know what to feel that time. I was nervous, scared and feel so little but she swept it away when she told me this

'' there's nothing to worry about 'cause you're home ''

with her words I was stunned!

'' home?? ''  that's what just I've said and she nodded.

'' you gonna stay here with me and my family, you don't need to stay alone out there, from now on you have me '' 

and she smiled at me and for the first time in my life I feel welcomed by a stranger. And you know who it was? none other than my bestfriend who happen's to be like my sister Skylar!

But if you're thinking why I'm not staying with her now it's because I found my own home with my half brother who searched for me after he heard the news about our parents.


I'm the sweetest among us yet could be the bitch one when it comes to Keana. I'm the only daughter in  the family and my parents are one of the stock holders in 3 of Princeton's Company.

Skylar, Mel and I knew each other since gradeschool plus Hermonie who stayed in skylar's home for 2 years until she moved in with her half brother who really loves her.

I'm fond of reading novels and making things worthwhile even so it's like impossible already to do so. I like music and dancing that's why I'm one of the captain of the cheerleading team, the other one is Mel. - you gonna meet her after me.

So what else? ahmmm I have a boyfriend his name is Jason. He's a nerdy type of guy that's why he was always bullied by Keana.

now it does makes sense why I'm also a total bitch  to her.

Jason is so sweet  and caring and we're  dating for a year now. At first I thought our  relationship won't work, you know the nerdy guy with the captain of the cheerleading team, but hey look at us now we're stronger than ever and I do love him even it means Us against all the bully students in the campus!  I DON'T REALLY CARE! infact I also have my bestfriends who really loves us and I'm lucky to have them and the thing here I also LOVE  them so dearly.

This is my Jason😘

This is my Jason😘

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- MEL -

Hi there, it's me Mel the gorgeous one in the group, kidding actually we are all gorgeous in different ways *chuckle. So this is about me right?

To begin with, I'm 17 like my bestfriends, doesn't have a boyfriend hmmm we just broke up. Anyway I don't really care about that, there are lots of whales in the ocean or even sharks ha ha, and not to mention I'm like a prey for predators, so breaking up with someone is not a big thing. No one could ever resist my coca cola body, like duh!!

Like Skylar I'm the youngest in the family, I'm a spoiled brat. I know that and mean to those who are mean like Keana. I don't have lots of friends simply because I don't want to be befriend with them. I have my  my childhood bestfriends, they are enough and they're everything to me.

Skylar, Hermonie and Jana they're like my family. Those who are against to any of us means they gonna face the 3 other more ----- so in short no one wants to mess with us.

So yeah that's all I could say for now. And wait up!

I am also afraid of heights and I have this realization that I want to share with you guys.

Not everyone will like you and the good news is you don't have to like everyone either👌

and ooopps just know the real me in the story.😉


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