Chapter 7, Kate

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"Stay here" Xander ordered, he almost looked scared.

Without another word he sprinted up the stairs to fight alongside his friends. I heard gunfire from above, each shot calling to me to join the fight. Luckily I was never one to take orders.

I refused to sit here quietly while a battle raged outside. I wouldn't be captured twice in one week. Or even worse, if the attackers were my men, to be rescued like some pathetic damsel in distress. I pulled a pin from my hair deciding to take fate into my own hands, right where it belonged.

I had taught myself to pick locks when I was seven and wanted to explore the base. I fiddled with the lock in the cuff on my left ankle until it popped open with a satisfying click.

I then repeated the process with my other cuff. I then pushed the tiny button opening the specially designed secret compartment in my boot, pulling out my knife.

The polished obsidian handle of my mothers knife felt right in my hand as I charged into battle not knowing what side I would be on. Maybe I'd just kill everyone.

As I burst through the sliding glass doors and ran into the huge backyard the first thing I noticed was that the camouflage-clad men battling the rebels were definitely not mine. The Gold Order was attacking.

My captors were fighting desperately but still losing pathetically. Only two of the 14 Gold Order men were dead so far. Strangely none of the rebels had perished yet. The girl was fighting three men at once while the younger boy fought only fought two. Sasquatch was fighting the three largest.

Meanwhile Xander fought four men. He fought perfectly but lacked style. Still every hit was strategic and perfectly placed. For the first time in years I admired an enemy's skill.

The rebels were working together, warning each other about attackers coming from behind. An inefficient system but it could be helpful at times. I learned that the other two rebels were Izzie and Leo.

Bored of watching I sprung into action. I decided to fight for my captors for now. I knew the Gold Order had come for me and I wasn't about to surrender. The Gold Order made the Silver Order look like preschoolers playing a game. They were well equipped, well organized, and known for their efficient torture methods.

I ran into the fray instantly surrounded by five men. The soldiers clearly recognized my face and were determined to capture me. I had the advantage; I could kill them while their obvious objective was to take me alive. For some reason the idiots seemed confident. All else faded as I descended into combat.

One of the men lunged at me and I grinned, this was going to be fun. I stepped out of the way tripping him as he passed. He lost his balance and fell with a thud. My knife found its mark in his back, severing his spine. I really shouldn't have given up my weapon so soon but it was the quickest way to kill him.

One of the other men had an epiphany and placed the barrel of his gun on the back of my neck. Like I was going to fall for that again. I turned as if in surrender before kicking the gun out of his hand. It flew through the air and I back flipped catching it mere seconds before he would have. I shot him right between the eyes. Sure it was a little dramatic, but where's the fun in simply running backwards?

Two down three to go. The other men had lost their confidence; it was replaced by pure hatred for killing their friends. It wasn't my fault they couldn't stop me.

The men exchanged looks before coming at me together. This wasn't the movies where enemies attacked one at a time. I went for one of my favorite moves as I kicked one of the men in the self-destruct button right between his legs.

I then ducked past the other two and wrenched my knife from the corpse of my first kill. I felt a tight pressure in my shoulder. I'd forgotten my bulletproof jacket in the house, worse I had started to rely on its protection. Adrenaline was keeping me from the pain but I still felt my shoulder going numb. No matter, I had three idiots to kill.

I discarded the gun. That would be too easy. The three surviving men stared at me in shock and horror as I charged.

Disarming them was easy, I kicked and twisted the guns out of their hands hand with ease. After taking each gun I simply took out the magazine and threw it. I didn't want it to be too easy

I spent a few minutes in a barrage of hits and thrown knives. I had decided to let the men keep their knives; knife fighting was my specialty. I whirled and dodged out of the way playing with my "adversaries". Then I got dangerously bored.

The first man was easy to kill as I sliced my blade across his throat. He barely tried to dodge as I struck.

The second gave me a little trouble but I managed to get him on the ground before somersaulting through the air and landing on his neck with a sharp CRACK. I didn't need the acrobatics but it made an otherwise dull battle more interesting.

The final man had eyes burning with pure, unadulterated, hatred. This would be fun. He lunged at me with the feral strength of an animal. I sidestepped but barely missed him.

He regained his balance and went to punch me in the jaw but I caught his hand. He was weak. I yanked, simultaneously kicking his feet out from under him. He landed on the ground with a thump and I knelt beside him.

"Any last words?" I asked, brandishing my weapon.

"Go to hell." He spat, glaring up at me.

"Where do you think I came from?" I said as I plunged my knife into his throat.

I rose and faced the Silver Order rebels. Strangely they had all survived. I nodded in Xander's direction before taking off running. It would be foolish not to escape at this point and I could hunt them down later and have more fun with their deaths.

Then pain exploded in my ankle and I fell. I instinctively reached for my injury and my fingers came away covered in blood. Leo had shot me in the ankle. I'd failed.

The rebels surrounded me. Xander had a look of awe on his face while the others sported a combination of horror and fury. One thing was clear; I was trapped.

As my adrenaline started to fade my shoulder cried out in agony. I glanced at my wound to see the flesh turning black around the bullet hole. Just like the Gold Order to poison their bullets.

Then I was filled with dread as I realized how I'd been poisoned. Theitreodyn, also known as Limbo for the intense hallucinations it caused. Even a small dose like this would kill me within about two hours without a cure.

I felt myself slipping and as I passed out, I uttered what could possibly be my last sentence. The one thing that might be able to save me. My gaze found Xander's, his emerald green eyes looked back at me and I knew he was my only hope.

"MC-57, in the limo," I whispered, "you're the goody goodies, you can't let me die."

Then I descended into oblivion, not knowing if I'd surface.


Hi guys! What do you think of Kate's fighting skills? Why is the Gold Order attacking? Will Kate surviver her poisoning? Please vote and comment, I really love hearing what you think.


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