Author's note

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Hi guys!

So I finally finished my book!

Many of you have seen the previous version of this author's note in which I promised a sequel by August of last year. And I genuinely did mean it.

During the summer while I was editing I realized I wanted to take the story to even greater lengths, to a point where I could eventually find a publisher for it. I've been editing and re-writing for a while now and this book that started as a whisp of an idea when I was fourteen had grown into so much more.

As of 1-6-20 (when I'm writing this note), I'm currently 30,000 words into my third draft re-write with some huge changes. As such I will not be writing a sequel to this version of They Called Her The Devil. Also, I will not be posting the new version on Wattpad, it's very different from this version (which I still love with all my heart) and I want to preserve this part of the story as it is. And when I find a publisher I'll post a link for where you can buy it if you want to read it.

As for the cliff hanger since I'm not a complete monster (only a bit of a monster) I'll be posting one last chapter/epilogue on the next page. It's my more fleshed out version of my book two outline and it'll wrap up everything.

Thank all of you so much, I wouldn't have made it this far without the support of all of my incredible readers who voted and commented on this book. You guys are amazing.


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