Chapter 33, Izzie

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I'd spent the past three days training with Lia and the other ghosts. When I wasn't training I was spending time with Lia or relaxing in my room. Or planning my escape.

I had to escape. Of course, being me I'd come up with a plan as soon as possible.

I'd managed to get Lia's ID badge and I could hack the system and put my picture on her account. And it was lunchtime so the other Ghosts would be eating.

I could just walk out the front door.

I'd miss Lia, we'd become fast friends, but I needed to get back to the Order. I could try to save Lia when the Legion fell but until then I needed to help my friends at the Order.

I made my way down the hall and towards the computer room. Luckily I had free run of the Ghost floor when I wasn't training. I was almost there.

Then Lia walked around a corner and blocked my path.

Wordlessly she grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the many small alcoves in the compound.

"I know exactly what you're up to Izzie."


"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about." I lied, trying to keep a straight face.

"I always keep my ID badge on my nightstand, and you were the only one in my room last night, also you suck at lying."

"I do not!"

That's the only retort I can think of?

"Now you know the rules. You stay for one month, if you don't like it you can go. Nobody here is a prisoner, but you have to stay the full month before you choose."

"But how do I know you won't just kill me if I don't join?"

"Because I wouldn't do that to ya Chica."

"And what's to stop me from trying to escape again?"

"The fact that I know Sam helped you break Xander and that other guy out. And I don't even want to think about what Kate would do to Sam if she found out." She said with absolute confidence.

My heart dropped.

"Why would you possibly think that Sam helped me break them out?" I couldn't save myself but maybe I could help Sam.

"Because she called in the Baltimore favor over an x-com that I found under a bed. Relax. I don't want anything to happen to either of you, you're my friends. But the Legion comes first."

I considered for a moment. If I managed to escape Sam would die. Even if Lia were bluffing I didn't want to risk it. So I'd stay the month, I could spend the time learning information to help the Order.

"Fine, I'll stay the month. But I'm leaving as soon as you guys let me."

"Sure you are Chica," Lia laughed, "why don't we spar for a bit?"

"Sure." Then I had a thought, "Why do you care so much about the Legion anyway? You don't really seem like the evil type."

"We aren't all evil Iz. And to answer your question Kate got me out of a situation and I've been grateful to her ever since."

"Situation?" I pressed; I wanted to know why someone as friendly as Lia decided to become an assassin.

"Let's just say my dad wasn't exactly thrilled when I started dating girls instead of boys. He kicked me out, said he didn't have a daughter anymore." Her tone was light but she obviously didn't like to talk about it.

"I'm sorry Lia I didn't know." I felt awful about asking, I, on the other hand, had been thrilled to find out Lia liked women.

Seriously aren't I straight?

"It's fine, Kate killed him when she found out so it's not like it matters."

"What about your mom?"

"She remarried and lives in Florida with her new husband. I visit every Christmas. So...what happened to your family, your file doesn't say."

She just had to ask about my parents.

"They died in a Legion bombing when I was 15. I spent two weeks in a group home before running away to join the Silver Order."

"Well I suppose we both have out motivations," Lia seemed sad for a moment before grinning, "Why don't we have a little competition, first one to pin the other gets to ask them any question, and I mean anything."


We reached the ring and stood facing each other. We seemed to be the only two people who weren't at lunch. Lia pushed a few buttons on a remote and loud rock music blared over the speakers.

I leapt at her but she managed to dodge out of the way. I threw a few more punches but Lia remained on the defensive. I could see it in her mismatched eyes that she was planning something.

I let myself go into autopilot as I tried to figure out a strategy. Meanwhile, Lia twisted and dodged gracefully to the beat of the music. She fought exquisitely.

I found myself moving to the music as I tried again and again to pin her. It was like a dance with significantly more violence.

I twisted out of the way of a block. So Lia could throw a punch. Then she tried to kick my leg out from under me and I leapt into the air.

The music sped up.

We were both simultaneously blocking and attacking. Then I saw a flicker of triumph in Lia's eyes.

Before I could react I found myself pinned to the floor. Lia had gotten behind me and tackled me. I rolled over to find Lia grinning down at me.

"So what's your question?" I asked.

"Do you like me?"

"Like as a friend?"

"Not exactly."

My heart stopped. Lia was beautiful and funny, and kind, and I couldn't imagine being kept here without her.

But I'd just broken up with Xander, the boy I'd dated for three years. And I was straight, right?

Then I looked into Lia's eyes, one blue on green. And I couldn't imagine falling for anyone else.

"Yes, I do like you."

I don't know who kissed who. But it was the best kiss I'd ever had in my entire life.


Hey guys! Will Lia ever tell Kate that Sam helped Xander and Leo escape? What will happen at the end of the month? What's going to happen with Izzie and Lia now that they've had their first kiss? Please vote, comment, and obsess over Izzie and Lia with me!


Ps. Any ship name ideas for Izzie and Lia? Lizzie? Izzia? Something else?

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