Chapter 43, Kate

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I didn't regret killing the captain of the guard.

He'd lied to me; I didn't tolerate liars. I wasn't surprised some of the guards were still loyal to him. I was however surprised that a group of guards had been stupid enough to betray me.

I'd found out from a snitch that a group of guards had tipped off the Gold Order about the meeting with Xander. Luckily Dick didn't know about the ceasefire since I only told the Ghosts and nobody escaped the meeting alive.

Unfortunately the man I'd knocked out and captured been a turned Legion guard and hadn't known anything useful about the Gold Order.

Someone knocked on my office door and I called for them to come in. I was talking to candidates for the captain of the guard position; so far the first two had been middle-aged guys who just wanted to talk to my father.

Like I couldn't pick a captain of the guard on my own.

A young man walked into my office and I motioned for him to sit. He had neatly combed dark hair and was wearing a perfectly ironed guard uniform with a neatly organized weapons belt. He seemed oddly familiar.

I typed his ID number into my x-com and pulled up his file while he sat in a chair in front of my desk.

Scott Fowler, 23409

Born: March 21, 2101

Rank: 2A

Fowler began training with the guards at age seven as part of program 34B. He had shown exceptional discipline, loyalty, and skill in combat. Fowler has received one citation in his years of service. He has 138 confirmed kills.

"You were one of my mother's recruits?" I asked.

Program 34B was my mother's rescue program. She'd find kids in bad situations and give them a purpose in life. Or as my father put it free labor.

"Yes ma'am, she saved my life when I was a kid."

"And you achieved rank 2A at the age of 19, that's impressive."

"Thank you, ma'am. It's not nearly as impressive as you becoming second in command at 17 though."

"Don't be a kiss ass Fowler. Your file says you had a citation, what did you do?"

"I teased you when I was eleven ma'am. I believe you broke my nose ma'am."

Then I realized why he looked familiar. I used to play with the guards in training, Scott had told me I ran like a girl. So I'd broken his nose. My mom had laughed and my father had locked me in my room for a week.

"My father gave you a citation for teasing me when we were kids?"

"I believe he wanted to have me killed but your mother talked him out of it ma'am."

I was surprised my father had cared. He'd broken my nose at least five times when I was a kid and had yelled at me countless times. Guess it hurt his reputation to have someone teasing me.

"That sounds like something she'd do. Now, why do you want to be captain of the guards Fowler?"

"Because I believe I have what it takes ma'am. I am dedicated to helping the Legion and have enough experience that I know what I'm doing. Also I'm smart enough not to lie to you like Smith did ma'am"

"And why are you possibly qualified to lead the entire guard?"

"Because I'm the only one of the candidates who's figured out where Death is ma'am."

How could he possibly know? I hid it perfectly.

"Are you trying to blackmail me with classified information Fowler? Because I could kill you for that and nobody would ask questions."

I reached for my gun.

"I'm not an idiot ma'am. I'm just pointing out it would be easier to have someone who knows the truth as captain of the guard. For the record, it wasn't easy to find out ma'am."

I thought it over; it would be easier to have someone who knew the truth. And Scott certainly seemed qualified. He definitely wasn't as dumb as the last guy.

"How did you even find out?"

"Amy got drunk and let something slip one night ma'am. She didn't tell me outright but she said something that made me start looking into it. It clicked when I checked his x-com logs ma'am."

Amy was one of the Ghosts who'd died in a shootout with the Silver Order a few weeks ago. She'd had a bit of a drinking problem but I hadn't thought she'd be a snitch.

"Delete those x-com logs and you have a job, Fowler."

"Yes ma'am, thank you, ma'am."

Scott saluted and left the room. I had a feeling I'd like this guy better than the last captain of the guards who hadn't thought I could make a decision without triple checking with my father.

Then there was another knock at the door and I invited the person in. A middle-aged man in a white lab coat walked in, I recognized him as Dr. Jason Taylor. He was one of the Legion's weapons developers.

"What do you want Taylor? I'm very busy."

I'd never particularly liked Dr. Taylor and the way he explained everything like I was five. Unfortunately he was smart and I couldn't kill him unless I had a good reason.

"Sorry to disturb you Miss Ballard but there's something I think you'll find interesting."

"Well, what is it, Taylor?"

"I've been researching the type of virus the Gold Order is using to attempt to kill you and your father. I believe I can replicate it and create a version that would kill both Xander Silver and Richard Gold."

He can do what now? Do I really want to kill Xander? Yes. I can't be weak.

"Interesting. And the 25 million casualties?"

"You're worried about a few civilian deaths ma'am. I'd think you'd care more about the Legion's success. Maybe we should take this to your father."

I very seriously considered shooting the arrogant little asshole. But if I killed him I couldn't use his modified virus to kill Gold. Maybe I could slip Xander a vaccine and blame Dr. Taylor for the failure.

Why do I care so much about saving Xander?

"And maybe I should kill you for disrespecting me. Nobody would care if one scientist went missing. Now, how many guards, employees, and allies would I lose if we did this?"

"I'm not sure, I'd need to run some tests to see how much I can alter it."

"Well, I suggest you run those tests before I change my mind and kill you, Dr. Taylor."

"Of course ma'am. And I'll need DNA from both Silver and Gold for this to work."

"I'll put someone on that immediately."

Dr. Taylor left the room and I finally relaxed. I would go with his plan for now; it was my best option for killing Dick. And I could always give Xander a vaccine or simply give Dr. Taylor a different DNA sample.

Now I just need the virus and a sample of Dick's DNA.


Hi people! What do you think of Scott? Where is Death and why is it such a big secret? What will happen with Kate's version of the virus? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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