Chapter 31, Kate

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The entire point of my office was to be as intimidating as possible. From the expensive dark colored furniture to the uncomfortable chairs in front of my desk, the room was supposed to put people on edge.

It had no effect on Sam however, due to the fact that she'd known me since I was eleven. Also, the puppy napping in the corner didn't exactly help.

She reclined in one of the chairs across my desk. We were going over what she'd found in the warehouse.

"So you just found the girl half dead in a supply closet?" I confirmed.

"Basically, and her name's Audrey."

"I know."

I glanced down at the file we'd put together on Audrey. We hadn't found much, she wasn't important enough to have a pre-existing file.

Audrey Fields

Age: 23

Education: political science degree from the University of Maryland

Occupation: assistant to Richard Gold

Parents: Lisa (deceased) and Marcus Fields

"My question is what's Dick Gold's assistant doing half-dead in a closet," I asked.

"My guess is the scumbag drugged her and gave her as some sort of sick guinea pig to the guy making the virus," Sam grimaced as she said this.

"Remind me to beat him to death with a chair."


"What about the virus?"

"Well considering the fact I blew up his lab with a force field bomb I'd say we're good."


I was glad this whole end of the world business was over. Now I could focus on getting the new Supreme Court justice under control.

"Well if that's it I should get going, I'm going to go check on Audrey in the room we gave her," I stood up to leave.

"If you don't mind my asking what are we going to do with Audrey," Sam seemed nervous as she asked; she was clearly attached to the girl.

"We'll probably just ask her some questions then put her in witness protection until Dick Gold's dead."

"Could we keep her here? I can teach her to fight and she could be useful to us."

"Are you volunteering to train her?"


"In that case, you can keep her."

"Thanks, Kate."

"Your welcome. Just don't tell her about me until we know we can trust her."

"Of course. I should get going, I'm gonna go for a run then I'll talk to Audrey when I get back. I'm not gonna start her until she's had some time to recover."

"Sounds good."

Sam stood and went off in the direction of the front exit. I got up and called Chaos to follow. He perked up and trotted after me. We were going to check in on Audrey.

I took the elevator down to the Ghost compound and made my way to the dormitory. There was only one as there were only female Ghosts.

Any boys my mother took in became high-level guards, but the Ghosts had always been women. Few people expected the hot girl flirting with them to poison their drink.

I got to the room we'd put Audrey in and knocked before entering. Chaos immediately jumped into the bed with her and started licking her face.

Audrey, who'd been reading on the x-com we'd given her, glanced at him and started petting the little puppy. Then she looked up at me and the color drained out of her face.

"You're the Devil."

"I'm surprised you recognize me."

"Who wouldn't? Are you going to kill me?"

"Surprisingly Xander Silver didn't recognize me."

"Really? I guess I've just done my research ma'am. Now if you're going to kill me may I finish this last chapter, I want to know how it ends."

"Kate. And I'm not going to kill you."

"I'm sorry?"

"You can call me Kate, not ma'am. Sam vouched for you and you're going to be joining the Ghosts, and the Ghosts get to call me by my first name."

"Why do you want me in the Legion? All I've ever done is take notes and get drugged by my old boss."

"You survived and got the message to us about the virus. That's good enough for us."

"And why would I even want to join the Legion?"

I liked this girl; she'd been through so much and was still questioning me. She'd fit right in with the other Ghosts.

"First of all, I can try to help you get revenge. Second of all, we aren't as bad as you'd think."

"You had me at revenge. Now not to be rude, but do you mind leaving so I can finish this chapter?"

"Of course, do you mind if I leave Chaos here, he seems to like you." I gestured to the little German Shepherd curled up next to her.

"I will never turn down an adorable puppy."

I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me so Chaos wouldn't follow. I didn't want him with me when I checked in with my strategists.

I walked down the hall and took the elevator down to the tenth floor of the skyscraper we used as a base. I walked into the conference room and took a glass of water off a tray.

The room was filled with some of my hackers and strategists as well as the new captain of the guards. I took a sip of my water and smiled.

"Any luck tracking the stolen helicopters?" I addressed the room.

After a minute one brave man spoke up. I didn't even have to listen to know it was going to be bad news.

"I'm sorry ma'am, they managed to disable the trackers before we could get a read on them."

He had the usual please-don't-kill-me look on his face. I decided not to, if he were brave enough to give me bad news he'd be useful in the future.

"But there is something you should see," another man spoke up.

He pushed a key on an x-com and a message appeared on the hologram. It was from Xander.


The virus wasn't destroyed; the virus maker has a second location. I can't stop it on my own. The lives of the 25 million people who'll die if we fail is more important than out fight.

I want to team up to stop Gold. If you agree I'll surrender myself to the Legion. Meet me at 9:00 pm tomorrow at a location of your choice and we can talk.

-Xander Silver

He was clearly lying about the surrendering part. Of course, he was letting me choose the meeting place, it would be easy for me to capture him there.

But if he wanted to team up he probably had something I didn't. I'd give him a chance; I could always capture him later if it didn't work out.

Without consulting any of my men I began to type.


Meet me at the Hideout Bar in Manhattan, tell the man at the door you like his hat even if he isn't wearing one. Come alone, I will too.

-The Devil

I hit send.


Hey guys! How will Audrey fit in with the Ghosts? How did Xander find out about the virus not being destroyed? What will happen when Kate and Xander meet? Please vote and comment, want to know what you think!


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