Jackie For The Save

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((A/N: what's this?! More then one update in a single day?! Has the world started to end?!..... Nope. XD just me on a muse streak. Welp! Here's chapter three, I think I got WheelJack's character right. I hope I did. Either way, leave me a comment with suggestions and ideas for me to use!! :3 see ya all soon!))


"Jackie come on it's probably nothing!" WheelJack waved a servo back at BulkHead, who was spinning a lump of metal on his digit.

"Better checking it out and watching the last of the sun rise then sit cooped up in here! You're welcome to join me." He offered, turning to grin back at the other.

"Naw next time. But hurry up Jackie Doc Bot'll be up soon!" BulkHead called tossing the ball into the makeshift into the basketball nest. It bounced against the ring and off. Heading for one of ratchet's tools. Thankfully BulkHead lunged and caught it before that happened.

Shaking his head WheelJack headed up three floors, opening one of the rafters that led outside. Or more, where his ship was anyway. It was a hidden military base, and when it hadn't been the Autobot's home it would have landing pads for plans to come in or helicopters. Now it was used as getaways for the bots who needed it, and for the wrecker to house his ship in when he visited. Patting the side of the JackHammer gently WheelJack backtracked and continued to the 'elevator' to take him to the surface.

'I've stayed too long this time around. I gotta head out soon' the thought of leaving swirled around his head as he walked, his optics more staring into space then watching where he as going. After all, what did the wreck have to worry about? Not like anyone would catch him running into a wall. Hitting a code for the platform to take him up WheelJack idly tossed his bomb between both servos. Mostly to keep his servos busy, but also for the sake of intimidation.

After all, any con would get a little freaked out when an autobot shows up throwing up an active bomb for fun.

However, there was no con. There was no bot either.

With the platform not even fully level with the cliff above, WheelJack had just enough time to lung, grab Skylar as she fell then grab the edge of the cliff before both nose dived off the edge. It was an 'act first think about it later' moment. Beside, it meant saving a life. What's the worse that could happen?

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! LET ME GO!!!" For the wrecker, it was the humans lack of terror and gratitude for his daring lung and grab.

"Do you realize that I just saved your life?" He demanded, tightening his grip just enough that she couldn't squirm free, no matter how much she withered and writhed against him. He had to focus on getting back up without letting her go.

"Do you realize that I didn't want to be saved?!" That made the wrecker stop and turn ice blue optics down to the teen now clutching at his servo. He took a minute to look at Skylar's condition. He noted the dirt, dried and otherwise. She was covered in it, it seemed like the entire front of her body was covered head to toe in dust and dirt. It was smeared on her cheeks and mixed with her tears, creating clean tracks and getting old ones dirty again.

But what caught him off guard were her eyes.

Aside from the fact they were a unique gunmetal blue, they were also holding a kind of pain he had only seen in his comrades, and those who had lost someone close and dear to them.

It was a kind of pain that could be caused by loneliness, isolation, and horrors worse then most could imagine.

A broken sob shook him out of the stunned trance he had been in. Not that he'd admit that he was stunned, but he had been. Venting he brought his servo up to his shoulder, carefully cupping Skylar there and allowing her to grab onto a piece and cling to it as she cried quietly.

"... Easy kid. Hold on, I'm gunna comm my friend, and he's gunna pull us up before I loose my grip okay?" The feeling of her nodding had him grunting and holding on tighter to the cliff ledge.

::eh Bulky, remember when you said that the alarm was probably nothing?:: WheelJack snickered when Bulkhead seemed to crash into something on the other end.

::err ya I remember... Jackie...::

::for once it's not cons. But get you fat aft up here mech. I've got both servos full and I can't get a foot hold to pull myself up.:: WheelJack glanced to Skylar as she shifted, almost as of she were preparing to throw herself over his shoulder and nose dive again. His grip renewed and tightened.

"Don't even think about it."

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