Red Dress

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Skylar had officially moved into the Autobot base. Granted it had taken a few weeks to recover completely from her heart attack and panic attack but it was official. Her room was set up with everything she'd need, books, clothes, sketch book, pencils, paints, (the following electronics were first protected inspected and taken apart before being given to her) a tablet, laptop, iPod and dock station. Oh, and sol beats earbuds.

But, that's not why she as up so late at night and wandering the base. No, recently a ship had landed and brought with it a new elite team to kick ass and take names. The problem? The group was temperamental, and Skylar herself officially could not handle new things so fast. She had to be eased into it otherwise she would trigger a panic attack and, or so feared by ratchet, another heart attack. At which point her body would slowly cease functioning and she would die.

That is NOT something any of them wanted. So, Skylar distanced herself from everyone during the day, and wandered around during the night. In all honesty, she had heard a lot about this group.

Aside from their kick ass alt.modes(that Miko refused to share with her) there was only one that Skylar was suggested(ordered) to avoid.

GrimLock. Their esteemed leader.

Apparently he wasn't a fan of organics thanks to Miko's enthusiasm and a group known as MECH. He was hot tempered, vengeful, and all around a douche bag. Or... So she had heard. But she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that what she had heard wasn't entirely the case. But for the sake of her health she'd keep her distance. Or try too anyway.

From what WheelJack had told her he and his team had been science experiments from a 'one optic'd logic bound freak' called Shockwave. Said Decepticon had been cruel enough to alter the five mecha's form and twist them into something horrible.

She officially didn't like Shockwave.

Turning another corner Skylar dropped one of the white earbuds from her ear. The country music still playing in one ear while she walked, enjoying the peace and quiet in one ear and the mix of sounds in her other one. All the lights were on a very dim glow, allowing her to sort of see but still needing to squint to see properly.

Then she heard it. The low, enraged growling from somewhere behind her. Fumbling she shut the music off, slowly turning to look towards the source of the growling. It took her a minute to realize that the reason she didn't,t see anything, was because the mecha was basically on top of her. She craned her neck, and stared up at the robotic t-Rex in an awed horror. Even though his Crimson optics bore far too much hatred and anger for her to not slowly panic.

"" Oh sweet Mary an' Jesus. She might be an atheist but pits she was praying to Alpha Trion to not let her die yet. She could only assume this was grimlock, and as his jaws opened, and fire started to bubble in his throat did she manage to say something under her breath.

Except it came out in a song.

"If I close my eyes, and imagine you are here. It'll last for a while before you disappear. So I close my eyes, cause the only thing I fear, is waking up one day forgetting you were ever here." Her eyes shut tightly and she curled away. Both arms moving to cover her face while she waited for the brief pain. Despite what she thought, the heat stayed, and a low, warning rumble came from the dinobot.

"What.... Was.... That...." Was...? His voice strained? Breathing shallowly she slowly looked towards the dino, watching as the rage and hate was slowly burning down.

"I... It..." Oh gods what did she say? It seemed like both were mostly gone by now, which was a little helpful. Until he reared back almost violently. Whatever air was in her lungs left in an awed gush as the dino transformed. Each part twisting and twirling violently to reshape into the huge leader that crashed to his knees before her.

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