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Skylar squirmed in place, pratically fighting agaisnt the check up from the mother while she tried to look the teen over.

"Skylar Melanie Chamberlain stop moving." Skylar flinched, cowering back towards the dyno leader behind her who growled at the nurse.

"Mind your tone fleshy." He warned, before giving a pet to Skylar's head. relaxing she sighed in relief and went still. Enjoying the reassuring touch as the nurse FINALY finished looking over the teen.

"She needs anti depressants, a real living environment and couniciling. Not to mention her parents." Grimlock growled at June, picking up Skylar and settling the teen on his shoulder when she flinched.

"This is her home mrs. Darby. Skylar is under the protection and guardianship of the Autobot's." Optimus soothed stepping up, turning June squared her shoulders.

"A military base with a race that isn't her own isn't healthy for a teenager. She needs to go to school, she needs to learn and she needs to understand what it's like out there." June stated.

"With all due respect Mrs. Darby, being in school is what brought Skylar too this. Putting her back in the place that set her into this situation is quiet possibly the worst idea we can give her at the moment." Ratchet corrected.

"Skylar has a home here, the Autobots have easily accepted her into their own family and she is one of our top prioties. What happened today was the mistake of ones without the correct experience in this field. I believe that Skylar has made more recovery in her time with us then she ever would have with the human race." Optimus insisted, watching June grow frustrated and glare.

"She NEEDS actual human contact--"

"Human contact is what got me like this. Humans are cruel, and vile creatures with their strong points. but give them something different you'll get vile creatures capable of destruction." Everyone tensed up and looked at Skylar. Her eyes looking down at June in a dead sort of way. The nurse looked flustered for a moment.


"I've said my part." She muttered, tugging and nudging at Grimlock.

"Can we go now?"

~Sparks trapped in dark~

That had been a week ago. Now, Skylar laid in her bed drifting in and out of sleep in her place on the bed. No matter how much she got pestered and bugged, she didn't remove herself from the room. Much less the bed. She had missed a lot, it included a new bot that had arrived. But, in her defense she had a hard time doing anything anymore. It wasn't until her door opened and shut that she blinked back to conciousness again and sat up.

Her eyes locked onto the white, blue and red paintjob almost instantly. He was hard to miss in the dim lit room.

"Get out." She cringed at the sound of her own voice. Even while the form tensed up and wings shot up startled. Reaching behind her, she tilted the dial up some to see better, and locked onto the door wings and the number on them.

"How did you get in here?" A young voice. The new bot obviously, but it was a weird voice none the less. It boarderlined Optimus' voice but... It wasn't there yet.

"I live here. You barged in. Get out." She hissed out. The bot turned, and she felt her body lock up when his optics locked onto her eyes in startled shock. She could feel the weight on her chest, and the slowing beat of her heart as she forced a deep breath. She pulled back startled, eyes wide at the sudden lack of panic from meeting the young mecha while his widened as well.

"You... You're Skylar aren't you?" She pulled back, and let her face scrunch up in distaste. Despite the weird feeling on her chest.

"I am. You're invading my room." He turned sheepish, a servo going to his helm while the wings lowered. Hereyes shot to his wings, watching them lower before shuddering softly and forcing to look at his optics again. Which were holding a childlike sheepishness.

"Er, sorry. I accidentally broke something that Wheeljack had been building. Can... I hide here?" He requested. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she relented and nodded. Shifting to lay back down and curl up on her bed. There was a hissing of vents, something she knew meant he was sighing in relief.

"So... Why are you staying in here all the time?" She made a face, and tried to keep the words that tumbled from her lips.

"I'm trying to heal on my own." There were a few startled moments of silence before her bed was scooped up. She gave a startled sound, shooting up when he scooped it up and looked her over.

"You're hurt?! why aren't you in the med bay! Ratchet's a medic he can help you-"

"not that way you idiot. This kind of hurt isn't something that he can fix." he blinked, leaning his face closer slightly and looked at her confused. The weight got heavier and she leaned back to relieve it.

"Then how are you hurt?" He questioned. Her bed was shifted into one servo, and she watched the other settle on his hip while he cocked it.

"Emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I'm depressed you dumbass." She scoffed. laying back down and turning away from him.

"Depressed... Or just sulking?" She shot up and snarled at him, watching him pull back startled brought her some pride.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF DEPRESSION?! Have you ever been bullied to the point of suicide? Or broken to the point where you can slice your hand open and not feel a damn thing?!" she snapped back. He grinned but shook his head.

"No. But you don't seem depressed to me. It just seems like you're sulking." The sound of metal hitting flesh echoed in the room. Skylar cradling her now throbbing hand from where she had smacked the new bot across the face. Her eyes held unshed tears while he made a face at being slapped.

"You don't know shit." She hissed.

"Then tell me." She started, eyes widening before the tears fell back from misting. Her words tumbled out again. Skylar spilling everything she was feeling, and how she hated feeling it and admitting that maybe she was sulking just a little. The more she unloaded, the better she felt and the larger the bots grin got.

Sniffing, she rubbed at the tears scadding down her cheeks and she gave a half laugh and half hiccup. A smile tugging at her lips while the warm metal helped her brush away the tears.

"There we go. Feel better?" Looking up at him, she gave another half hiccup and nodded. Her smile growing with his.

"Yeah..." A loud growl echoed through the room, and she clutched at her stomach sheepishly.

"I forgot I haven't eaten in a week." she offered sheepishly. Giggling when she noticed the wide stare she was getting.

"That's was you?!" Her giggling switched to full blown laughter. Which lead to his laughing before she fought the blankets coccuning her.

"Ugh I'm filthy! I have to go get a major shower and clean clothes and food." She groaned. She watched as the bed was set down, and she allowed to stand though wobbly.

"Okay, you get clean and I'll wait outside. When you're clean we'll head to the wreck room. I think Miko got pizza." Skylar lit up, all but bolting to pull out her clothes before running for the installed showers near by.


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