Fall apart

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'I should have known so much better then to believe any of the bullshit they told me.' Skylar cursed herself as she ran in the opposite direction of the wreck room. Tears mostly blurred her vision, even while she attempted to get outside to the roof. It was probably the last place she should go but she needed air. She needed some form of freedom anything to get away from the thing suffocating her mind.

The rain could help with that.

A typical trip over her own feet had Skylar stumbling. Giving a yelp as she went crashing to the floor and to a stop. Hissing softly in pain, she pushed up slowly, and rubbed at the burns on her arms and knees. It would sting, and hurt for a while but she could brush it off for now.

"Skylar?" Giving a shake, Skylar looked up at her name. Upon seeing Arcee coming towards her, she shook and smiled weakly to her.

"H-hey 'cee." The two wheeler made a face, and knelt down to steady Skylar gently.

"What's wrong?" Skylar shook and clung to the servo around her.

"J-jackie's leaving b-because he made a few mistakes. I should have been stronger I should have just played it off and laughed I-I shouldn't have been so sensitive this is all my fault he's leaving because of me I was stupid!!" She broke, sobbing and babbling to the other guardian while the femme picked up Skylar and cradled her. Skylar could only cling, releasing the torrent of emotions that were attempting to be bottled in.

It was a while before Skylar finishes crying. Even if arcee clung to her in the mean time and pet her hair with her pointed digits.


"You aren't a burden." Skylar froze, looking up at Arcee startled while the two wheeler gave her a stern look.

"Skylar, if you were a burden, any one of us would have said so immediately. You would not be here if you were a burden." Looking down Skylar nodded quietly and offered a murmured apology. Sighing Arcee renewed the petting to her hair, and shifted to hold her and walk down the hall towards the wreck room.

"... Hey cee?" The femme hummed. Not bothering to put Skylar down while she walked.

"For your guys... What does it mean if there's a weight in here when someone's around?" Skylar tapped her chest plates quietly. Looking up to the curious blue and pink optics that glanced down at her.

"There's a legend on it being a spark pull, the stronger it is the more likely your intended mate is near by. Others think that it's a family tug for those who were separated. Why do you ask?" Arcee inquired, looking at Skylar again. The teen squirmed a little in her hold and played with her hair.

"I... I felt a huge weight in my chest when I met Rookie. I wasn't sure what it meant so I thought I'd ask." Skylar gnawed on her lip lightly before looking up at Arcee again. Shrinking at the startled look on her face.

"Destinies child Huh?" Skylar blushed brightly and scowled.

"So you believe in the first one?"

"Hopeless romantic."

"Swoop's one too."

"Hush you."

~sparks trapped in dark.~

A few hours later, Skylar sketched blindly into her sketch book. Letting the pencil glide across the page as she sat off to the side. Around her bots came and went, some would shoot her worried glances, others would out right sit with her and try and have a conversation. She didn't usually respond, just continue sketch and shading and erasing her picture.

It wasn't until she gave a heavy, shaking breath and stared down at her sketch book that she responded to the mecha in front of her.

"S-sorry?" She looked up, instantly trying to ignore the heavy weight in her chest while Smokescreen knelt in front of her grinning.

"I asked if you wanted to come on patrol with me. Get yourself out of this stuffy base and get outside for a while and your nose out of this book." She cringed when his digits gently laid on the book and prayed it form her lap. Looking to her pencil covered hand she looked up at him and nodded sheepishly.

"... Sure." Putting her things away, she took the sketch book back from Smokescreen, who just grinned hugely at her and transformed. Happily waiting while her pencil case and the book it's self were shoved into the bag she had brought with her. She dropped it into her spot and shuffled over to climb into his driver seat.

"Hey doc, Sky and I are off for patrol. We'll be back in a few hours!" She smiled weakly when Ratchet sputtered protests about smokescreen taking Skylar with him. Whooping as he gunned his engine and tore out of there full speed. Leaving ratchet, Miko and optimus behind them. The latter two laughing and chuckling at the antics.

~sparks trapped in dark~

"... Hey rookie?" they had been driving in. A comfortable silence now. Smokescreen having tinted his windows so no one could see into the car and noticed 'the dead girl' inside.

"Yeah Sky?" The nickname had her smiling weakly and settling more into the seats.

"How come you asked me to come on patrol with you?" The Autobot pulled to a stop at a traffic light, his seat belt tightening around her in a hug slightly.

"You've been sulking and moping in that corner since WheelJack left. You needed to get out and have some fun" she winced and looked to her lap.

"Sorry." The seat belt tightened again around her.

"Apology accepted. Now, what music do you like?" Skylar perked a little and sat up more in her seat.

"Are there any country rock stations?" The Autobot laughed, and the radio turned and twisted as he searched. It's not long before before blown away is echoing through the speakers. A grin exploded across Skylar's face, and before long she's happily singing along and getting lost in the weight and the music with Smokescreen.

Even if she fell apart again, at least she knew she could count on the others and rookie to pick her up again.

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