Show Me A Smile Then

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"FOOD!" Skylar half ignored the sudden commotion as she bounded up the steps to the balcony. Diving into the box of pizza while the three humans gave startled cries. Miko toppling backwards while Jack and Raf jolted and fixed their balance.

"S-skylar?!" lifting her face from the pizza, she gave Raf a quizzled look while half a slice of the cheese and peperonie goodness hung from her mouth.

"What?" Sitting back some she tore off the chunk and munched before swallowing. Rubbing away the grease while Raf brightened happily.

"You're okay!" She made a sheepish face, waving the slice of Pizza in the air triumpantly.

"Well duh, the moment rookie said there was pizza I rushed to get clean and dressed. I haven't eaten in a week man! I'm starving and pizza just so happened to be my craving." She claimed. Taring into the food happily while miko started to laugh.

"Pizza is what got out of your funk?! Who's rookie?" Swallowing again she grinned at miko and drapped herself lazily on the couch.

"White blue and red dude. He reminded me of boss bot. But It was a bit of a stranger meeting." She hummed. The sound of Slag howling with laughter had her looking over, grinning to the dyno bot while Bumblebee buzzed and chirped at her happily.

"A smile, a laugh- Take my hand we'll make it I swear- don't stop! Believeing! Hold onto that feeling!" She cackled at the clips he played and gave him a thumbs up.

"No promises bee, but I'll try." She cackled. She was quick to finish eating the slice and kicked her legs up onto the table. Both arms crossing behind her head while she grinned happily.

"Okay, so fill me in. What did I miss?"

~sparks trapped in dark~

Skylar gave a whistle, swirling her pop in a plastic cup while she looked up at the dyno leader. She had backed off when her friends had said they were going to play video game. Since she needed an update on her 'guardian' the Dynobot leader offered to take her to his ship and do some explaining along the way.

"So you really think this omega lock can revive your home?" She questioned, downing the drink and stuffing it with napkins. Once done she stuffed it into her sweater pocket to through out later.

"That's the theory." He confirmed, she whistled again and leaned back.

"Well, you bots had better win the war then. You have a home to fix." She chirped grinning to him. He stayed quiet while her grin slowly faded.


"You reacted differently to the others." He stated. She cringed at that and looked ahead of them nervously.

"Don't get me wrong grim, I'm going to miss the hell out of you lot. But the fate of your home is more important then what happens to us. You've been battling it for millions of years. I don't expect you lot to stick around forever..." He snorted, nudging her gently while he walked.

"What if I told you the Dynobots said they were going to stay on earth anyway?" She jolted and looked at him dumbstruck.

"Your kidding."

"Cybertron won't be a place for us anymore. It's better if we stay here, and try to fix anything that could be damaged." She softened and nodded. Hugging his face mask.

"You should still try grim." He snorted. Pushing open the door as they approached the hanger bay.

"If you're here to stop me from leaving bulk it won't work." Skylar let her face dropped as she stood. Stepping into Grimlocks servo when it was offered to her.

"You're... Leaving?" She watched the wreck tense, the wing lets rising up tense.

".. Yeah kid. I've stayed too long. Exploring's more my thing, I don't do sticking around." Skylar let the tears mist in her eyes and pushed er self to the edge. Gripping at Grimlocks digits when they curled to keep her from falling.

"No-! Don't leave! Please you can't leave! Y-you're my guardian! My friend you can't abando-!"

"I can and I will. I'm not cut out for this guardian thing kiddo, I'm resigning." Her face twisted up in anger, even while the salt liquid trailed down her cheeks.

"You're a coward!" She snapped. The wrecker spun around, looking ready to protest. But she didn't give him the satisfaction of doing so.

"You're just like everyone at school! The moment I break, the moment I open up to you it scares you and you run! You're a spineless, pathetic coward who's hell bent on making me suffer! They put you up to this didn't they?! They put you up to saving me just to see me suffer longer! I can't fucking believe that I was stupid enough to believe all the bullshit you told me! That ANY of you told me! I should never have trusted you! Or Alpha Trion!" Both tensed, watching Skylar in shock while she breathed heavily and held back sobs. Everything in her shook while WheelJack slowly headed over. She moved backwards, glaring harshly at the black servos as they gently lifted her from the Dynobot.

".. None of that is true kiddo..." She scoffed, moving to counter him but stopping when his digit touched her lips.

"I saved you because it was my first instinct too save you, I didn't know anything about what happened to you until you told me, and I sure as pits don't know anyone from your school aside from miko Raf and Jack. I hurt you Skylar. Twice now. I'm not cut out to be a guardian." She trembled in his servos and beat against this metal.

"You are! Guardians make mistakes. You're scared and now your running! It's what you do you run when you can't handle something!"

"Skylar enough!" She jolted, whipping around to look at Grimlock who's body was scolding.

"WheelJack leaving on his free will is a cover. Optimus asked him to sniff out Decepticon out posts harvesting Energon. He's not abandoning you." She flinched, curling in on herself and gripping her arms while she shook.

"Go back to the wreck room, try and calm down. Swoop with bring you back here to say good bye." She nodded trembling, squirming into the leaders servos from her ex-guardians. The leader set her on the floor, and it only took her a minute to turn and bolt. Racing as fast as her legs could carry her down the hall while she started to cry again.

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