The End

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Lunging frmo Wheeljack's altform, skylar raced for the Dynobot leader nearby.

"Grim!" She shrieked, happily hugging his holoform which was careful of her arm. his real for nudging carefully at her cast.


"Not telling."

"Why not?"

"Because I won't allow you and the others to hurt someone who's already hurting."

"You're too compassonate for your own good."

"I know!" she chirped. Grinning happily when the dyno laughed and nuzzled her hair. She mimicked purring happily and leaned into it affection.

"you're coat smells like rain and honey, and decpeticon." Skylar made a face at his words and crossed her arms best she could.

"My childhood friend gave it to me while he was passing through." Then her eyes widened.

"You don't think he's mixed in with them do you?" Grimlock sniffed more at her coat before shaking his head and growling softly.

"No, but it stinks of a rain maker. Can i have it?" Skyarled frown and tightened her arms stubbornly.

"Thunder has been my friend since i was three. i doubt he's a con." She clipped, turning and squirming free from the leader before bolting for Arcee. Both mechs chuckling behind her.

"They're being mean and won't believe me about thunder." She sulked, allowing the femme to pick her up and settle her on her shoulder.

"Their mechs Sky, they're like that." She hummed. Skylar giggled happily and settled comfortably before falling into a conversation with arcee about the day.


Orange optics dimmed softly, watching the autobot leave with his make-shift charge in the drivers seat. If he ever ran into her during a battle, at least he could locate her fast and get her out of harms way before she got hurt, with of course his trine running distractions.

"You're really fond of the human femme." The seeker turned, his slightly bulky frame casting a slight shadow on his brightly colored trine mate. He nodded, and crossed his arms over his cock pit sighing.

"What of it Ray?" He asked. Wings flicking up in annoyance. His trine mate chuckled and raised bother servos.

"Just curious. how many human years have you known her?" ThunderStorm scoffed and softened in memory.

"Thirteen human years. Coming up on fourteen when she turns seventeen." He stated, ignoring the whistle of shock from his mate then started laughing.

"she must be something special for you to get attached."

"Who got attached?" Both looked up to their camo colored trine mate. Giving nods to their leader as he landed.

"Fronts attached to the human he was sent to monitor. He kept going back after his mission finished." Acidstorm rolled his optics, and glanced upwards to the floating ship high in the sky.

"That's a dangerous thing brother. You know Megatron wants to retrieve her and have her delivered to shockwave." The rainmaker growled, wings fanning out protectively.

"I'll defect to the autobots if it means keeping her safe." Both gave their brother a startled look before nodding.

"Alright storm, what do we do?"


'Vicky' squirmed in place outside the principles office. Her cast was slowly crumbling, and a bruise was forming on her cheek and eye. The teen had gotten beaten between gym and art. Her second and third period classes. Nuzzling into the honey and rain scented coat, she sighed gently and smiled in memories. It's not till Vincent, Drake, Josh and Anthony are walked out with police that she looks up and stands to shuffle inside.

"Victory, please sit." Shivering, she sat down and squirmed in place timidly again.

"Yes sir?" She asked. he hummed, and looked over her file. Leaving her nerves to get worse and worse the more the clock ticked the tiem away.

"You don't usually get into so many fights Victory. Care to explain why?" Skylar rubbed her arm and took a deep breath.

"Not... really. I don't know why they're taking a liking to me." She explained looking to the adult. she instantly straightened in horror while his eyes bled red, and his body glitched into a red haired, red and gold clothed man.

"Come on now skylar, you know full well that humans always go back and attack old prey."

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