Time flies

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Faint gasps could be heard through the sleeping forest, the soft sound of heavy steps at a fast pace echoing through the dead silence. A terrified wheeze came from the figure, salty tears sending stings of pain across cut cheeks and dry, cracked lips as the feminen voice sobbed out weakly. A mantra whispered under her breath as she ran from something behind her.

"Keep running, don't stop they'll kill you if you stop keep going-!" She paused, leaning heavily on the tree and wheezing for air again before pushing off and running again. Racing for a road she prayed was nearbye.

a scream cut through the forest, startling birds from their sleep and jolting nocturn animals from their evening doings.

"HOLY SHIT!!"  The raven haired teen yelped awake, Bolting awake from her dream while the last of the bell rung through the class room. Heaving breaths, she jolted with a scream when a hand touched her arm. Sending the teen sprawling across the floor and groaning while her friend yelped.

"Hell Vicky! What happened to you?" Looking up to Serria 'Vicky' smiled sheepishly, and accepted the help up gratefully.

"Ah, nightmare. Really freaky one too. What did I miss?" Dusting off, both teens walked out happily. One carrying her books to her chest and the other slinging the bag over her shoulder.

"Not much, she gave us the speel about being good over the march break and reminded us about project due dates. you're lucky to have been able to do it first and after school." The teen smiled sheepishly and rubbed at her neck.

"Bah, what can I say? My heart condition helps me get out of presentations and speeches." The red head pouted, but bidded her friend a fare well and dashed out to meet her brother. Shaking her head softly, Vicky headed for her locker. Her hands were still sweaty, and fumbled briefly with the lock to get it to open. When it did, it swung open harder then intended. Nearly hitting a ninth grader in the face until she grabbed it and stopped it. With a muttered 'sorry' she unloaded her bag, into the locked. Tracing the picture of herself, Miko Jack and Raf before leaning back some to get to the plad colored book.

It's not till she's shoved into the lockers beisde her, and the door cushed to her arm with a sickening snap that she cried out in pain. All conversations stop, some swingng around to stare at the two seniors leering down at her. Breathing heavily to keep tears at by, Vicky glared at Vicent and his friend drake.

"Aw, is the freak going to cry? Boo hoo hoo." he sneered. Drake snicked from where he had her pinned to the other lockers. Vicky snarled at both of them and bared her teeth at them in anger and pain.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that it isn't nice to harm people? Or is that a lesson she left out in your upbringing?" Amber eyes flashed in anger, Vincent snorting at her angrily and glaring at her. She gave a growl in warning when he leaned on it more.

"Fucking freak." she scoffed, and tried to yank her arm free when he leaned off. she managed to move it, but cried out in pain when he slammed into it again.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Vincent and his friend leapt away from the teen instantly. The wrestling coach marching over with the principle as Miko trotted behind them happily.

"N-nothing coach! Sir!" Drake stuttered, backing away and moving to make a run for it. One of the bigger seniors grabbed both by their collars and held them in place. The wrestling sigil on his jacket matching the one on Vicky's bag.

Yanking her arm free book in hand she rushed to cover the small bit of bone being shown and the blood oozing from it. Unfortunately, her coach and the principle saw and flipped.

"VINCENT! DRAKE!" He roared, both cowering under the looks of anger from both adults and the team.

"Miko, get Vicky outside and wait for an ambulance." With a happy nod, Miko curled sort of around her friend and herded her out. Helping Jack lift her sweater hood and hide the tears while raf tried to clear a pathway and talk at the same time. Thankfully, it was easy to do and the four rushed out to the roaring amublance coming up the street.

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