4 - The Consummation Ceremony

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      As we enter the great hall, I see Edeva's eyes light up. That's right; she's been here before. I imagine memories flooding in to the forefront of her mind of her time here as a child. The banquets, the birthday parties in her honor, the dancing with her father, all of these while I was training with Anselm in Jean's summer estate, preparing to take it all from her. A lot has changed in the last twelve years, of course. The blue and gold drapery is replaced with red, any decor with Henry's name was replaced with my own, and so on. Right now, Jean has outdone himself. When he planned this to be a celebration for a long awaited execution, I'm sure it was more dressed down, but for a wedding, he has the tables around the hall dedicated to any and all types of food. Succulent meats flank the front entrance, cakes of all colors and sizes along the walls, and no shortage of pies. I know how much the man loves celebrations... and pies.

     I assist Edeva in to her seat beside mine; at the front before a large table where gifts from the court have been strewn out. I regard none of them because I do not care, but my bride smiles and graciously accepts anything handed to her. Each courtier introduces his or herself and wishes us a happy marriage. None of them let us know whose side they're on. Down below, Anselm walks with Edeva's stepsister Gisela, who is no longer dressed as a maid but in a brilliant red gown with black diamonds adorning her neck. I agreed with Jean that, for today, she look the part of a queen's sister even if they are not related by blood. Anselm follows behind and shoots a glare at any young nobleman who goes near her. When Edeva first noticed this, she seemed worried, but calmed once she realized the man is like an overprotective father to anyone who might need it.

     My attention continues to move over the floor. The Court dances for our pleasure. Most of the men are wearing black and red to honor my house, while the women are in all sorts of colors and decorated with so much jewelry I am surprised they are not more muscular with all that extra weight they carry. And the fans to keep themselves from sweating are ridiculous. It is warm in here, and while the dark magic within my bones keeps me cool, if it didn't I still would never allow myself to be seen with one of those gaudy things . I consider offering a dance to Edeva but think better of it. I am sure she can dance as well as any other lady, but dances have changed since she was last here and I doubt she learned the new ones in that cabin.

     My bride picks at her food. It is better than what she was given to eat in the dungeon, and I have no doubts better than whatever gruel they were cooking up in the woods. She must be still flustered. The sun is dipping behind the windows, casting the hall in an orange glow. Evening fast approaches. And with that, the consummation ceremony. That is something I cannot wait for. The chance to truly make her mine, not just in name and title. The possessive feeling comes over me again.

     "I would like to know something," I finally say after staring at her for who knows how long. She looks up from her plate and regards me nervously.

     "Yes, your highness?"


     Edeva manages a little smile as I correct her. "Yes, Alekso?"

     "How did you stay hidden all this time, despite the forests surrounding that cabin being so close to a busy town like Adrimar?"

     "Oh, well... I kept my head down and covered my hair, and if I needed to go in to town, I would be accompanied by someone who spoke instead of me so no one would be able to see my eyes. Most townsfolk wrote me off as shy."

     Kazaxon grunts. Must be quite a boring bunch of people to not cast one glance her way and wonder why she never looks at them...

     My eyes narrow. "That will only take you so far, Edeva. People must have known your true identity. Members of the local clergy, perhaps? You told Godric your mother is buried in the cemetery. They surely would have recognized her and alerted my kingsguard, but they did not."

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