11 - The Evermires

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     Despite the normally two week journey to Goldstone, the King's caravan takes 30 days due to the frequent stops Alekso chooses to make to some popular cities on the way. It is somewhat of a tour for the people to meet me, and the entire caravan is alive with joy and enthusiasm. Commander Anselm was on to something when he said the union of the Aurelians and the Delsors would be what brings Mercia together. Every city or village we stop at greets us not with just respect, but with pure excitement.

     When we are brought to the lords or barons' dwellings, there is always a group of villagers crowded around the carriages, trying to peer in and see the royalty inside. Prince Jean squirms and Alekso shoots a glare at me as if this is all my idea when, in fact, it's his. I smile eagerly and step out of the carriage to greet my subjects. Every time, they reach for me and hold my hands, or ask me to bless their child, and I participate in some almsgiving there or in the nearby market. Sometimes Jean will join me as my escort instead of Anselm and my ladies, but never Alekso. He worries he will become jealous and act irrational. I think he is just somewhat antisocial.

     I have been welcomed as Queen of Mercia with open arms by those who come to greet me. They tell me that I am a blessing, a gift from God, someone who will bring peace and prosperity to the realm. At one point, a little boy asked me if I was a warrior angel sent to defeat the demon king. I told him I am not here to defeat Alekso, but to love and guide him as God would want.

     By the time we reach Goldstone, Gisela has a chest full of things from each place we visited. Everything had to be local though. Local crafts, wares and cheeses, clothing - she says she wants to gift some things to Eldislav whom she intends to visit one day. She says Alekso won't be able to stop her, but in time I do not think he would attempt to.

     Goldstone; what a city! It is as beautiful as I remember. All of the buildings, some reaching high in to the sky, are made from yellowblock, topped with beautiful, deep red roofs. The city is built in to the mountainside and can be seen from far away, but once I pass under the decadent archway, I am amazed all over again. The first level is a lively marketplace open to everyone, rich and poor alike. The rich smells of spices and breads overwhelm my senses as they waft in to the carriage. I almost stick my head out to get a better whiff. I glance over Alekso who is just smiling at me, content to watch me act like all giddy.

     I can see the grand palace towering over the city, where the royalty can look upon their subjects unhindered, but it doesn't look imposing. It looks profound... Meant to make the people feel safe. Goldstone Palace was the main residence of the reigning monarchy for ages. It only changed when Alekso ascended the throne and chose to stay at the castle in Ustria. I gather because that place is as intimidating as he is.

     I notice we pass the poorer district but do not go through it. Part of me wants to stop, to talk to the people, but it has been a long journey and the palace is close enough to touch, I just want to get there first before we do anything else. From what Prince Jean tells me, the palace hasn't been empty this whole time. While the palace was given to Jean as a gift from his nephew, Duke Reginald of Evermire and his wife have been staying there while their own home is being rebuilt. It suffered a fire of some sort, which they blame on rebels.

     "So Jean does not live in Ustria then?" I ask as we near the entrance.

     "Technically no," Alekso says. "Goldstone is where he is meant to live but he insists on being with me to give counsel, whether or not I need it. But clearly he misses it here, since that is why he is so happy. Maybe he'll elect to stay this time."

     "Or maybe we will stay, and he can have Ustria," I admit that is a selfish thought. Alekso just smiles.

     "We'll see."

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