22 - A Celebration

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"Ninety seven," Aleko growls softly, mulling over the number given to him by Commander Anselm.

"Yes, your highness. Ninety eight in total, but we cannot find the one named Matthias. I am unsure where he's gone to. The crypts have only one exit. How did no guard or Legio soldier see him escape?"

"Chances are the Evermires have something to do with that," I point out. "They have been living here for years, have they not? Perhaps they worked with whoever was overseeing the crypt to make a secret exit. Perhaps the Chosen themselves have been working on one without any of the nobility here knowing."

Alekso shakes his head. "People are very good at hiding from me," he admits, reaching over and tickling under my chin. I give him a wink.

"Don't worry, Alekso. We'll find him."

"Yes, my love, but not before he has sent missives to others of his ilk warning them to lay low." He sighs, pulling me to his side. "I doubt this is the last we've heard of the stupid... Chosen."

"If they dare bother the royal family again, your highness," Anselm warns. "We will take them down. They'll be aware that they're not welcome in Mercia. Once word gets out what they attempted to do, no mage, diablarist or not, will associate with them."

Alekso nods before looking down at me and smiling. "How are you feeling, my love?"

"Much better." I'm a little tired, I admit, but I would not miss today for the world. I slept a day and a half since I killed Bishop Lambert. Kwenthrith managed to heal my wounds and keep me alive, but I still was extremely weak and had no energy to open my eyes. We both needed time to regain our strength. From what Alekso told me, Anselm and the Legio Mortis purged the cultists from Goldstone, and word was sent to Cliffside to do the same. It was made public that Uriel's Chosen was a cult that attempted to kill me, and then Alekso, because we planned to show mercy to the rebels. That was enough to get any remaining dissenters of Alekso's rule to reconsider. Most rebel groups were starting to break apart after our marriage anyway. Perhaps the Chosen served a purpose in their own way, making Mercia band together to fight them off.

As we stand in the throne room, voices begin to quiet down when Alekso and I take our seats. I still am loathe to admit I miss his lap, but today is not really a day I should be climbing all over my husband in front of our guests.

At the back of the room, the people part on either side to make way for my sister Gisela. She stands, beautiful and stoic despite her age, wearing a purple dress, her hair braided long behind her, and a smile on her face. I can feel the pride radiating off of Commander Anselm from the crowd. The two of them exchange glances as she passes him, and I see the love they share for one another. I am infinitely indebted to Anselm for taking care of her all this time. Kwenthrith stands vigil between the king and me, still tired but ready to defend us. She cannot help but smile towards the girl she also came to see as family.

Gisela approaches us; Alekso and me, and then behind us stand Prince Jean, Lord Bron of Kass, Vlad of Andul, Duchess Audrine of Evermire, and Lord Jarrett of Sidonya. Chancellor Harald and Lord Marcus of Estia are not present... They were cultists, and died at the hands of Alekso. I can tell Audrine is still coming to terms with presenting a commoner girl with a title. I hear her fidget to the point where I have to turn and shoot her a glare to get her to stand still. She no longer questions my entitlement anymore, at least. I smile happily at Gisela as she kneels before us and bows her head.

Lord Bron steps forward and unravels a scroll, the gesture alone silencing any whispers among the crowd.

"Today, gathered among the people of Mercia, common and noble alike, it is by right of King Alekso Aurelian that you, Gisela Hunter, are bestowed upon, as well as your future children, and their children, the title Baroness of Rosecrest."

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