5 - A Morning Hunt

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I must kill.

Kazaxon wakes me up in the early hours of the morning, my bride still curled up against me with an arm draped over my chest and a leg over my hip. I give the top of her head a kiss to see if she stirs, but she is fast asleep and I easily slide out of bed. I make my way over to the wardrobe and dress myself. Usually Bash would have set clothing on the bed for me when I woke up, a weird morning ritual that always made me feel like a child, but the sun has not yet risen; there is a glow on the horizon that dawn is approaching and that is Kaz's preferred time to hunt.

I walk past Bash whose smaller bed is usually at the foot of mine, but luckily he found it in the corner where I moved it. Poor man must have been waiting outside the door for hours to figure out when it was time for him to come in, and I can't help but smile. I made love to my bride several times last night, waking her up with kisses and caresses. She never spoke a word of protest, just gave me a coy smile as I settled on top of her. She was just as hungry as I was. Perhaps this meant she forgives me for how I acted before.

Now Kazaxon's energy has been drained and he must indulge in his wrath to replenish it. I haven't needed to sleep too long since I can just rely on Kaz to give me strength, and though I would be completely fine lying in bed all day with Edeva, I have a country to run and Kaz has a human to power.

You kept me up all damned night, he growls in my head as I slip past Bash and the guards at my door. Their shift will end soon but they are used to seeing me sneak out around this time once every few weeks.

It was my wedding night, Kaz, I think in return as I head down the hall. Did you forget about our sexual appetites?

Well, it had been a while, had it not? Laughter resonates in my head. I was a virgin when Kaz and I merged, and my first night with a woman was awkward for the fact that I had a voice in my head telling me what to do. That whore my uncle bought for me said if I ended up becoming king she would volunteer to be in my personal harem so I knew Kaz's advice was good. Jean killed her just in case she was a spy for Henry, but that was fine since I had no real care for a harem. After the first few times with a woman, things became more comfortable and I grew used to the demon having a say in my sex life. Unfortunately when you become king, standards change and I would not let just any woman in to my bed. I never even had a mistress, and the women in the brothels never really satisfied me. It was just sex. Soon I refused it all together.

I suppose it had. But this just means you will get to hunt more often to keep our strength up.

I pause as I enter the courtyard, and then walk up to the castle walls. The guards nod to me and the drawbridge is lowered. I begin to run towards the forest, lowering my body and stretching my fingertips out.

If you had killed her and angered these supposed rebels I would have plenty to hunt.

I am a special type of Diablarist - demons usually just give a mage its power, not inhabit the mage completely. Kazaxon can take over my body and shift it in to his, though he has never done it without my permission. Normally he can see what I see, feel what I feel, and hear what I hear. Last night, he was just as much a participant as I, even if Edeva didn't know that. I am a bit unsure how to explain it all to her.

Don't act like you didn't gawk at her the moment I lifted her veil, I tell him after a moment. You were stunned to silence.

She is pretty. It is why I tolerate your decision.

I shake my head a little as we head deep enough in to the woods, and I undress. Kaz is hungry, and I have a feeling we will be traveling far in to the forest behind my castle to find something big enough to put up a challenge. He prefers the fighting more than the killing. Less rebels frequent the city Ustria below since it takes little to call upon the Legio Mortis, who rest underneath the courtyard.

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