14 - The Rebel Contact

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     Kazaxon takes me by the wrists and gently pulls me to stand between his legs as he sits on Alekso's throne. The room is empty, the sunlight shines past the pillars that separate us from the outer garden. I've always loved how pretty the throne room is with its one open side. I can smell the honeysuckle on the breeze. It is quite a contrast to the black eyes of the demon staring down at me. I know it is not wise for Kazaxon to reveal himself in such an open area, but this is where Alekso told me to meet him.

     You think to try and command me? He mock-snarls in my head.

     Yesterday, Alekso would not let me go tour Goldstone. He said he came upon some news that made it unsafe, and so Gisela and I spent the day wandering the palace grounds with two boring guards watching our every move. When I asked about this news, he said he would speak with me on it later. This didn't bode well for my plans to meet Kwenthrith's contact at the market, but she assured me she would sneak away and reschedule with him.

     "I would think no such thing," I huff as he lets go of my hands. I bring them up to the front of my dress where I idly fiddle with the beaded strings. "I simply asked Alekso if I could see you again. You could have said no. Did... you not want to see me?"

     The demon licks his lips.The memory of what his forked tongue can do sends a pleasant shiver straight to my core. I want to see you very much. And so, I am here. What is it you desire of me, little queen?

     I think a moment, then slowly pull on one string so the tie comes undone. "An apology."

     His tail stops wagging behind him through the gap in the throne's back. I have a feeling that gap was made especially for a demon's tail. There is one in Alekso's dragon throne over at the castle, too.

     A what?

     "An apology. You must know what that is, even if you are a demon."

     He reaches for me and I quickly back away, but I pull the tie apart from my dress at the same time. His head tilts slightly, and I know it's because his eyes are trained on the swell of my chest.

     I know what an apology is, woman. What in Hell would I have to apologize for?

     It seems like he wants to rip open the front of my dress, but he does not reach for me again just yet. I'm relieved, since I quite like my clothes and would prefer the more delicate ones be well taken care of.

     "For scaring me that night. Remember? We spoke on it briefly, about how you held me down and tried to claim me without any warning."

     He huffs, smoke coming out of his nose like a bull. I give him my best pout, slowing down the movements of my fingers.

     I suppose you have a point. I apologize.

     Success! I smile brightly. "I forgive you for scaring me, Kazaxon." Once the front of my dress is untied, my hands linger, holding the panels closed. "But you also hurt my feelings when you teased me about watching my father die."

     Kazaxon's rumbling in my head is that of displeasure. I apologize for that as well. Demons of wrath can become petty when we do not get our way.

     "What about draining Alekso of his powers? Are you sorry for that?"

     I bite my lower lip a little; remembering how much Alekso likes when I do that. Kazaxon must as well. I know that I am right when I see the strain in the demon's features. There is an obvious tenting in his loincloth. I assume Kaz prefers no clothing, or there's nothing else to fit him here.

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