9 - A Dress for Gisela

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     Gisela looks absolutely delighted standing on top of the little pedestal in nothing but a simple linen shift, staring ahead of her at the pile of dresses and cloth. Her hands clap happily in front of her and she bounces on the balls of her feet as she waits for the dressmaker to pull a garment from the wooden chest in front of him. I've never seen her like this before. Usually Josie and I were always the more dainty of the sisters, preferring to stay home and mind the house while Gisela and Eldislav went out hunting. That girl hated dresses because it was impossible to hunt in them, and preferred staying in her outdoor clothes. Josie would muse that she should cut her hair and just be the boy she was meant to be.

     I think Gisela is just practical though and never gave in to whimsy since there was no real chance of it. Eldis' daughters, though known to be beautiful, were not really looked at as marriage material. While Josie would try to flirt in town, I was always quiet, and Gisela was always outspoken. Gisela decided early on that she would live the rest of her life as a huntress in the forests with nothing but dead animals for company.

     That idea was squashed the moment the dressmaker came in. We were aware I had a lot of clothing to be made, since I had nothing really for summer, but Gisela nearly threw me off the pedestal when the dressmaker told us that Alekso commissioned something for her.

     "So do you think this means I will no longer have to be a maid?" my step sister asks. "I mean, you are really easy to work for, Eva, but Kwenthrith is a monster. She always has something for me to do in this stuffy old castle. God, she even made me learn to cook. I hate slaving over hot cauldrons!"

     Kwenthrith, who stood by the fabric to inspect it, rolls her lovely gray eyes and waves at Gisela. "I showed you how to make bread. I thought it was fun. And no, just because his highness made you a dress does not mean you won't be a maid anymore. You're the queen's step sister. You have no claims to nobility. Don't forget that one of the reason Alekso had so much support during his rebellion is because his followers believed men of low birth had no right to hold high positions in court. That line of thinking plagued Henry's reign, so the Duchess of Aelfort said."

     "He doesn't have to make me a princess, just... not a maid. Maybe I could be a baroness! Baroness Gisela Hunter, does that not sound just perfect? I would have a little castle by a lake, and I would go hunting, and I would have beautiful furs lining all of my dresses."

     "The only way you can be a baroness is if you marry a baron," I wink at Gisela. She hates talking about marriage, but she will be of age soon. "That is probably what this dress is for."

     "The dress is more for you than Gisela," Kwen insists. "He doesn't need you to like him, he already has what he wanted, but clearly he wants your approval. That is why he dotes on a little maid from the forests: because she is his queen's step sister."

     "He dotes on Gisela?" I begin to ask, but then the dressmaker goes "aha!" and pulls out a deep, burnt orange gown. His gloves are a bit thick so he holds it delicately, but shows it to Gisela who practically squeals. It is an absolutely gorgeous dress. It has a square neck and long trumpet sleeves, a high waist with the bodice detail in the front. the bottom hem is a flounce with ruffles; a particularly girly features Eva wouldn't expect Gisela to be so overjoyed at seeing. All the edges are lined with gold trim, sewn in to squares with the thread. The detail is exquisite from where I stand, so I can imagine how lovely it would look up close.

     Gisela happily puts the dress on with the dressmaker's help. When Kwen goes to tie up the back he shoos her away, electing to do it himself. Gisela grumps a little at first. "It feels wet."

     "Ah, it rained on the way here I am afraid. I had hoped the chest would not have any leaks in it. Forgive me, dear girl. Would you like to take it off until it dries?"

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