10 - The Interrogation

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     "I suggest we increase military presence in the kingdom," Jean declares after a long, mostly silent walk down the spiral steps leading to the dungeon. Godric and Anselm follow behind us, Godric excited to see how I will interrogate our would-be assassin, and Anselm so angry over what happened to Gisela that I dare think he believes she is his family instead of mine. "Soldiers in every city, duchy, township, you name it. Maybe even one member of the kingsguard as well to oversee the flushing out of these vermin."

     Jean is more frightened than he is angry, since this assassin was hired by him, inadvertently. It was his insistence to choose the best dressmaker in the northern city rather than just waiting for the one from Goldstone with better references. When a man showed up claiming to be the dressmaker's equally talented son, he believed him.

     I suppose I can blame myself as well. When the man showed up claiming the dress I wanted for Gisela was already completed, I did not question it. I was far too eager to please Edeva, like a damn dog. But the information given to me by Kwenthrith makes no sense.

     Why Gisela? How many people even know she is related to Eva outside the castle? Why would anyone attack her. To get at me?

     Well, I am about to find out what is going on. Thankfully Kwenthrith left the man alive, though I need to have a word with her and Lady Aelfort about keeping her mage powers a secret from me.

     I snort at that. How hypocritical... I kept my own secrets from Eva and yet I want to punish her ladies maid for doing the same? It is different with me, though. I am the king and therefore allowed to choose what I do and do not divulge to my people. I probably would have kept Kaz a secret as long as I could had he not decided to take me over when he did.

     Then again, who can Eva trust in her new home if not me?

     "And here is the dirty bastard," Jean calls out as we arrive in front of the cell. I share a look at Jean and Godric.

     "You all may leave. I wish to speak to this man in private. Well, mostly private." The man's cell is not closed off with a door, but rather metal bars. The man has an iron collar about his neck with a chain leading to the nearest wall. His wrists are cuffed behind his back, making it quite difficult to stop Sebastian from hitting him in the face.

Bash's core abilities involve his strength. He is only using a fraction of magic through his fist but it is enough to send the man flying across the room. The only thing stopping him from hitting the bars is the collar, and I smile at the choking sound he makes as the chain pulls taut and he falls to the ground. This is good practice for Bash.

     "Shall I hit him again, your highness?" Bash queries.

     "No, I need him to be able to speak." Blood drips from the assassin's mouth and on to his now dirtied white shirt.

     Jean seems relieved. The fact that I am allowing him to leave instead of Godric shoving him in another cell lets him know I am aware this was not his doing. Godric is disappointed he does not get to see what happens. Anselm, however, does not follow them back up the stairs.

     "If it pleases you, I would stay, your highness." He says. "I wish to see the man who hurt my friend."

     "So be it." Anselm's love for the girl is admirable. I look to the assassin and tsk as Anselm and I enter the cell. "I take it your real name is not Thomas Webster, son of Maeve Webster?"

     The man spits some blood out in front of him as Bash pulls him unsteadily to his feet. "No."

     "I would ask your real name, but it does not matter. I don't care who you are, but I do have some questions for you." I begin to pace in front of him. He is short; I am two heads taller than he is, and he's older, too. Not what I would picture as an assassin. If anything, that makes him better at his job.

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