12 - A Night with the Demon

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     This might not have been the best idea. Memories of that night flood in to the forefront of my mind; of my arms and legs too heavy to move, the heat of the demon's body licking at my skin, those black eyes staring hungrily past mine, in to my very soul. I was trapped and helpless, the only thing keeping him from having his way with me being his honor and friendship to Alekso. But that friendship is strained right now, and can a demon have honor?

     Those are just the frightening memories. The other ones make themselves known, too. The arousing ones, like the feeling of his large, calloused hands dragging down my body, pushing my thighs apart as his tongue threatens to penetrate me. If I had told him that night that I wanted him, he would have done so much more. But I refused. I said no, because while my body was ready to betray Alekso, my soul wasn't.

    I spin around and hold my arms up as Kazaxon approaches me. "Wait!"

     Though he practically freezes in place, I hear a growl in my head. Have I not waited long enough, my Edeva?

     "It's just... I want to make sure Alekso is all right with this."

     I have gone from feeling like a heroine prepared to sacrifice myself for the sake of my love to a timid damsel in a matter of moments. If Alekso sees this as a betrayal, I don't fear execution or exile as much as I fear his disappointment; his hurt.

     He is all right with this, Kazaxon insists. We share in all. What belongs to him belongs to me.

     He reaches forward and slowly wraps his fingers around my neck, his thumb gently stroking over my jawline. That includes you; our beautiful queen. He was simply waiting for you to accept me. If that time is now, he will be fine. But you cannot refuse me again.

     I cross my arms over my chest but make no move to pull away from him. He could snap my puny neck just like he almost did Audrine's if I am not careful. I want to tell him I can do whatever I damn well please with my body now that Alekso has made me feel so empowered, but that comes with too many risks. "I understand. It's just, well, you frightened me that night. That is why I refused you. I woke up to a big, horned monster in my bed. I am frightened even now..."

     His long, forked tongue slips out past his lips and flicks in the air like a snake. I know. I can taste it. But I can taste a subtle undertone of your arousal, too. That is what I desire from you. Not your fear.

     Once he releases his hold on my throat, I turn around and walk over to the bed, untying my bodice at the same time. Alekso did tell me he would not let Kazaxon have me until I agreed to it. So, by agreeing to it now, he surely cannot see this as a betrayal. It is for his sake, after all.

     Mostly. I confess that the demon's tongue is not mistaken. I felt a curious excitement course through my body that night when he had me pinned down underneath him, and right now that excitement is returning. I wonder, will he punish me for refusing him before? Will he just give me a rough fuck to sate his lust and be done with it? Would I like that?...

     I step out of my shoes and then pull the dress off of me, letting it slide down my form and pool at my feet. My hair is tightly wound on top of my head, but removing a few pins has it cascading in bronze curls down my back. I climb on to the bed and then turn around, my legs spread and hanging off the bed, but my arms in front of me to hide myself. I grip the sheets between my thighs and stare at the demon, who by now has removed all the tattered remains of Alekso's clothing.

     Kazaxon is a marvelous thing to look at when you are not afraid of him killing you. Every inch of him is corded muscle, exuding strength and raw power. He's all sharp edges from the tops of his horns to the points of his cloven hooves. He stands with a slight hunch, probably due to the animal legs, but his tail balances his him out as it sways behind him. The posture is so predatory though and suits him well. He closes the distance between us with a few easy strides and stands over me.

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