Chapter 17- I don't like surprises

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Hey guys

Sorry for updating late .


Emma's POV

After that most embarrassing moment of the world was over Jacob took my hand and led me  to his Audi Q3 . I was about to open the door by myself when Jacob stopped me by holding my wrist .

I was confused as to why would he stop me from getting in the car .

" Are we walking because I'm sure as hell im not gonna to walk in these heels . Oh wait heels or not I'm not gonna to walk at all " I huffed and stomped my leg like a 5 year old child .

Jacob started laughing after my little rumbling .

" Hey ! It's not funny " I scolded him .

" see t..that your little ram...hahaha rambling was abso.....absolutely funny " he said in between in his laughs.

Ugggh! This was annoying me now .

" Ok fine you lost your chance for date . I'm going back in and going to spend my night by watching Netflix " I started moving towards my porch but Jacob stopped me by holding my wrist .

" I'm sorry Emma ." I still didn't talked to him .

"Come on Emma I'm sorry " I still didn't looked at him . Well I have forgiven him but what's fun in telling him . It feels good to make him beg .

"  Okay Emma I'll buy you a whole packet of your favorite chocolates and a lunch at McD's for 3 days if you forgive me . Please " he begged .

Well you see I can ignore anything in this world but this is an offer no one can refuse to at least I can't .

" Okay " I simply shrugged .

Suddenly he turned me around and I felt a cloth on my eyes .

" Are you seriously blindfolding me Jacob ?" I asked .

" Yes baby I'm really blindfolding you " he replied .

" But whyyyy ?" I whined .

" Because where we are going it's a surprise and I don't want you to see it " he said .

" But you know I don't like surprises " I pouted .

" Well that's not my problem . I'm gonna to blindfold you and don't you dare to take it off "
He said while forcing on the important words .

After blindfolding me he led me towards his car . I heard a sound indicating that he opened the door. He held my hand and carefully made me sit in shotgun . He closed the door .

After few seconds I heard shuffling in the driver's seat and I assumed he had come in .

" So where  are you taking me ? " I asked him .

" Baby if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise " he said and started the car .

After a few minutes I again spoke " Are we there yet ?"

" Are you seriously gonna be one of those girls who start behaving like a 4 years girl . Please don't start complaining about sitting in the car because we haven't even started our ride for 5 mins " he said

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