Chapter 26 - How do you know ?

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Hey guys

I'm back guys .

I know long time no see . But here I'm. Not bad huh ?

Photo of Nick Bateman . Oh my god he is so sexy and hot .

So this is my effort to apologize for making you guys wait .

So here's the chapter .

Emma 's POV

" So tell me something about you Emma ." Kayden said breaking the silence between us . I thought about his question . Was it a trick ?
Does he know it is me and wants to confirm it by knowing me .

I immediately shook these absurd thoughts . It can't be possible . He can't know about me . I'm not old me . I'm Emma Parker .

Yes .

I'm Emma Parker .

I'm not that girl anymore . At least not with any one except Mason . He is the only one in front of whom I'm real me . But without him the real old me is dead .

" So what do wanna know about me ?" I asked him .

He shrugged and said " Anything . Like what you like ? What's your favorite color ? I don't know . Anything you want to tell me ."

" Ask anything specific and I'll answer ." I again said not willing to tell him everything myself .

" So let's play twenty one questions . That way I'll get to know you and the time will pass ." He said and I simply nodded .

" You go first " I said him not wanting to ask because I already know everything about him .

" Okay missy I'll ask first ." He said .

" So what's your favorite color ?" He asked .

" Blue " I said and he looked at me with something passing through his eyes . The emotion I didn't know what it was but I didn't bother to know more .

" What's yours ?" I already knew the answer to that question . His favorite color was blue too . We three has the same favorite color . Blue .

" Well it's surprise mine is blue too ." He said and a smirk playing on his face .

I faked surprise and gave him a small smile .

" What's your favorite food?" He asked again .

" Creamy Parmesan Chicken Skillet " I answered him quickly and his head snapped towards me . Doubt flashed in his eyes and for a moment I felt fear taking place in my heart .

" What happened ?" I asked him cautiously.

" Nothing it's just that my friend too liked it . Actually she loved it . " he gained his playful persona back . He chuckled .

" What ? " I gave him a look and narrowed my eyes at him .

" She loved Creamy Parmesan Chicken Skillet . She could leave the world for it . You know once we went to an Italian restaurant and when she looked at the menu her favorite dish wasn't there and she threw a tantrum there . She started a fight with the owner and told him to fuck his own ass because he didn't have the most tasty dish that too Italian . She didn't ate anything and stopped speaking to any of us until we brought her what she wanted ." He said with a real smile on his face . His eyes were distant as if remembering that day .

I still remember it . I was so stubborn that he had to drag me out of the restaurant so I couldn't murder the owner .

A smile came to my lips as I remember that day .

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