Chapter Two: New World, New People

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Male Voice: I'm telling you guys it's the truth he just crashed down in front of me into this large crater he made!

Female 1 Voice: Yeah, and I'm secretly a goddess who's come down to check on humanity.


(If you forgot you have Force Edge, even though you didn't use it last chapter)

Female 2 Voice: Ichigo calm down, I believe you, Karin why are you looking at me like that.

Karin: Of course you would believe a story like that Yuzu, you're gullible.

Yuzu: I AM NOT!

Hearing this voices above you, had caused you to start to stir from your unconscious slumber you slightly moved your head which didn't go unnoticed by the people around you as you watched you slowly move once more.

Karin: Huh... He's starting to wake up. 

Yuzu: Should we get him something?

Ichigo: Let's give him some room to breathe first before we ask him any questions.

You slowly stood into a sitting position your eyes slowly opening to see three blurry blobs in front of you, rubbing them along with shaking your head your vision had gotten a better view of the people in front of you.

You scowled a bit at them wondering who they were since you didn't recognize any of them, you looked over towards the guy who looked at you cautiously. He was a young man by the looks of it in High School, compared to most of the people you've seen you have never seen someone with orange spiky hair before.

Y/N: Okay... I'll give in where the hell am I?

Karin: You're in our home... Or our father's job resting, my brother here says that he had found you unconscious in a crater after you had crashed down from the sky.

Yuzu: And you must be very hungry from the crash are you hungry? Do you prefer anything special?

You moved back a bit seeing that this girl was uncomfortably close to you right but just to get her away from you recommended anything would do.

Looking at the girl you noticed her and the other one looked alike, they must be twins but one had black hair and the other had a dirty blonde color. 

Looking down you noticed that you were in a bed but you also noticed something else though, you weren't in your usual outfit, you were in a t-shirt and pajamas. And another thing was that Yamato and Force Edge were nowhere around you.

Ichigo: Yeah, so I was wondering why exactly were falling from the--

Y/N: Where are my swords?

Ichigo: Huh? Oh we weren't too sure if you were dangerous or not so we kind--GAH!

You quickly grabbed the orange-haired teen by the shirt and pulled him towards your face your eyes burning into his as you could tell they were getting nervous now.

Y/N: Show me where my swords are now before I demonstrate on you how DANGEROUS I can be, and my clothes.

Ichigo: Okay, okay, okay, calm down Karin give him his stuff!

Walking out of the room fast the black-haired girl came back fast with your clothes and weapons, seeing this you quickly threw off the other clothes before putting them on. You walked over towards a window preparing to leave, you didn't feel like being involved with any human right now and wanted to get back to your home. You remembered getting flung into a portal and with the power of Yamato you should be able to get back.

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