Chapter Four: Meeting Rukia Again?

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The place looked as if a war had gone through the entirety of the place, at the moment Karin was keeping you and Ichigo from killing each other. Ichigo had a chair in his hands ready to smack you across the face with it while you picked the entire couch up ready to smash it down on him. Only for you to miss and hit his dad instead knocking him out.

Yuzu was watching terrified in a corner from the little charade that had just transpired, and it only took a few seconds for this whole thing to start up.

Karin: Alright you two, break it up there is no need for you two idiots to start fighting, Ichigo put that chair down and you.... Please put the couch down.

You stared at the black-haired girl for a minute, sighing you put the couch down even though you really wanted to smash it on her brother's face... repeatedly.

Karin: Look you can stay here fine as long as you don't cause anything like this to happen again understood?

Ichigo: What Karin but--

Karin: You'll also need to get a job or something we're not going to be accepting freeloaders understand?

Y/N: Deal.

Ichigo: WHAT!

Yuzu: Alright we have a new roommate now!

Isshin: Well then he can start by helping Ichigo with the mess the two of you have caused from your little fiasco.

Looking around you noticed the catastrophic place now, you were wondering now as to how the two of you caused so much damage and under a minute. You didn't complain since you were mostly at fault due to calling him strawberry.

Looking at the damage closer you noticed a multiple holes in the walls, a broken chair, a broken window, the couch you needed to fix up along with a couple of other things that needed to be fixed now.

It didn't take long for the two of you to clean the place up but it was hard for you and Ichigo to do so without strangling each other. Plus Karin had hidden your swords during the feud so you wouldn't end up killing him, she told you she would give them back once you were done cleaning.

Y/N: There... All done... Now..... May I please.... Have my swords back?

Karin: Let me check...... Nope..... There's still something you must do now.

Your Thoughts: This girl is really starting to piss me off!

You looked at her as she handed you a piece of paper, looking at you noticed it was some kind of list or whatever. Reading it you noticed it was ingredients for some kind of food, realizing it was a shopping list you glared at Karin menacingly.

Y/N: Hey I didn't say anything about doing a chore, your dad said only to clean the place up.

Karin: Well dad left and we don't have enough ingredients for dinner right now so get moving.

You growled annoyed from being used like a servant before snatching up the paper and walking out the door slamming it in the process. Karin smirked from this while Yuzu and Ichigo looked a bit worried especially Ichigo, as he had a hunch that you weren't just an ordinary person you picking up a couch effortlessly was a dead give away.


You laid down in the room they had given you to stay in the time being just thinking, your swords, coat, and shirt were rested on a draw next to you. You sighed once more looking up at the star filled sky wondering exactly what your brother was up to at the moment, you had been wondering what kind of universe he had been flung into because it couldn't be worse than this one here.

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