Chapter 9

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Laxus stared at the big building in front of him. If he knew his mate at all – and he did know him well – this was the place where he would go. Freed would come up with a plan and part of that plan would be finding a place that was safe. Runes still prevent him from tracking down Freed, Bickslow and that douchebag, but he was sure they were here.

The blond Dragon Slayer stepped in front of the doors and grabbed the round door handle and he swung the doors open and looked around. Not that many of his guild mates were present but he didn't care about that.

Laxus frowned when seeing that memory mage from Sabertooth here. So he was the mysterious third scent he hated so much?

Laxus stopped when his gaze met with turquoise eyes. Freed. It felt like years since he saw him last time. Freed smiled him back, but he was also looking quite worried and nervous. Why? Was he scared of him? He needed to assure his mate that he would never hurt him. Nobody would hurt Freed as long as he was around.

"Laxus", Makarov said and Laxus' gaze snapped to his grandfather, emitting little sparkles on his skin. He was not in a mood to get distracted by others, he only wanted to be with Freed. "There's no need to feel cautious. We are your family and we won't hurt you or Freed."

"I know that", Laxus snarled. "I'm not stupid. But I'm not interested of speaking with you guys one bit right now, nor fighting you or whatever. And I'm not going to hurt Freed if that's what you're worried about, I haven't lost my mind."

"I'm glad you're this calm", Makarov said and he meant what he said. "We have no reason to fight against each other."

"But why is that snob here?" Laxus grunted pointing at Rufus who flinched.

"He's just visiting. He had some business in Magnolia and decided to drop by", Makarov lied casually.

"He was with Freed at the coffee house", Laxus said and his eyes darkened with anger as he recalled it.

"Laxus", Freed said now and he got the Thunder God's full attention to himself right away. "It was nothing serious. It wasn't something you should feel threatened about."

"I know you wouldn't lie to me, Freed", Laxus said and his voice was softer now, almost like purring. "You'd never do that. Why did you two meet at the coffee house?"

Silence landed on the guild hall. Everyone looked careful as they waited what Freed would say. One wrong word and the Lightning Dragon Slayer might start rampaging and then they would have to stop him. None of them were exactly thrilled to do so, as it was a well known fact that Laxus was one of the strongest wizards in Fiore.

"You're right, I would never lie to you", the rune mage finally spoke. "It was a blind date", he confessed, hearing a few gasps.

Sparking filled the hall immediately. It didn't actually hurt anyone, but it tingled and was scary as hell when the little lightning bolts were dancing all around them. Laxus' burning orange eyes didn't leave Freed's eyes even for a second but Freed refused to be scared of him. Laxus was still hot-headed but he wasn't anything like he used to be once and he would listen before judging.

"Blind date?" Laxus growled.

"Bickslow and Evergreen arranged it", Freed explained, keeping his voice calm. "But they didn't know that you... I mean... We had no idea about this whole situation", he huffed and now he was slightly blushing. Laxus couldn't help but think that Freed looked so damn adorable his cheeks flushed like that. "And same goes with Rufus. He didn't know."

"Would you want to go on the second date with him?" Laxus asked.

"Absolutely not. I told him that I only arrived there so I could politely turn him down", Freed said.

"That is correct", Rufus nodded.

"Shut up you dandy little shit", Laxus grunted glaring at Rufus. "I'm talking to my mate. You were not going to meet that dumbass again?" he asked looking back at Freed.

"No", Freed assured. "Well we did talk about it, but I'm sure we can settle things so the second date is not going to happen." He had agreed to it only because of the gift rule, but he was pretty sure Rufus wouldn't push his luck with Laxus.

"Good. Now I don't have to kill him. But I will sure as hell kick his ass if he won't run away from here right now. That is a warning."

"And it is noted, right Rufus?" Makarov said and he was really relieved that everything went so smoothly.

"Then I better start leaving", Rufus agreed. "Well, no matter what it was a pleasure to meet you, Freed", he smiled and was reaching out his hand for a shake.

That was a mistake.

With just one thundering lightning bolt Laxus was next to Rufus in a second and his large fist blasted the long haired mage across the bar breaking tables and chairs. Everyone was startled at first but they stood up fast and they positioned themselves between Laxus and Rufus.

"Laxus!" Freed yelled. "He was not going to cause any trouble!"

"I already gave him a fair warning", Laxus growled and suddenly he grabbed his arms around Freed. "I won't let him touch you. You're mine", he said and was finally able to sink his face in the green hair. "Undo the runes."

Freed froze to his spot, nodded and let the runes vanish and Laxus inhaled his scent. Freed smelled so good. It soothed his anger and the electricity faded from the air. Even the storm clouds slowly calmed down and now it was just raining outside.

Freed turned his head and looked at his Thunder God. He still didn't know if he really understood what was happening. Many times he had been thinking what it would feel like to have Laxus hold him like this... He thought it was just a foolish dream that would never happen, but here they were now.

It felt amazing.

"What about if you two go home?" Evergreen finally suggested when seeing how Laxus was calming down. They were all relieved because of that. "We'll take care of Rufus, it seems like he will live", she chuckled looking at Rufus who was now standing up with Lucy and Levy helping him. The man was wincing and it was obvious he had broken bones. "We will patch him up and help him back to his home to rest."

"You better", Laxus growled. "If he's still here in this town after two hours, I'm going to seriously hurt him."

"Calm down", Freed said patting the big arms around him. "You don't need to hurt anyone."

"Keep him in control, Freed", Makarov chuckled. "I knew it was the right decision to ask you to keep an eye on him."

"Master", Freed said with smile. He remembered that day well, it was one of his most treasured memories.

"Let's go, Freed", Laxus murmured tugging Freed along with him towards the doors. "I'm tired of staying here."

Freed nodded and stepped outside with Laxus. His head was spinning and he didn't even notice the rain that was once again soaking them wet. He just didn't care. Nothing could bring him down when his Dragon Slayer was walking next to him, holding his hand as if he was scared that Freed would run away or disappear or something. Freed felt himself so precious and his heart almost burst because of all the love he felt towards Laxus.

"Don't go anywhere without telling me first", Laxus said suddenly. "It felt awful when I went to your house and couldn't find you. And I couldn't follow your scent 'cause you used teleportation."

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to worry you", Freed said with a small smile. "I was going to quickly get that date over with so I could go to the guild house and... Well, see you again."

"Still, I want you to tell me if you need to go somewhere", Laxus said.

"I will, Laxus."


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