Chapter 18

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Laxus carried Freed up to the cliff nearby and they could see the forest better all the way to the shore. Freed should have guessed that Laxus would set his camp in a place where he could keep an eye on his surroundings.

They arrived at the small cave and Laxus went in. His backpack was on the ground all packed up and fireplace was put out.

"Just sit there", blond said putting Freed down on the rock. "I'll relight the fire, fetch water from the stream and then we start cleaning your bruises and take a look at that ankle of yours."

"It's okay, I'm pretty sure it is only strained a little", Freed assured. "I can help."

"Keep your ass set on that rock", Laxus snarled and the rune mage froze to his spot when he was just about to get up. "And don't you dare move it without a really good reason while I'm gone", he said and grabbed a kettle in his hand. "And a beetle crawling near you is not a really good reason", he added and stomped outside the cave.

Freed huffed but smiled. It was nice when Laxus was taking care of him, he had to admit that walking with his ankle as it was right now would be really challenging.. The rune mage opened his white boot and carefully lifted it and his sock from his foot and flinched in pain. His ankle was swollen but not that dark so it probably wasn't broken. He raised his hand and touched side of his head, hissing quietly. Well, at least there was no more blood.

Freed waited until he heard steps and Laxus came back. The dragon slayer poured some cold water on the other cup and started to relight the fire. Freed took a wash cloth, drench it in cold water and wrapped it around his ankle to decrease swelling.

When fire was burning Laxus put the kettle above it. Then he opened his backpack and pulled out his blankets and other stuff. He looked at Freed when he heard grumbling and the rune mage slightly blushed.

"Just my stomach", he muttered embarrassed. He must seem absolutely useless right now, his leg injured and not even able to gather some food for himself despite arriving at this island many hours ago. It was pathetic.

"Eat this", Laxus said and handed over a package. Freed opened it and found two sandwiches.

"Are you sure - fine, fine, I will eat them", he said quickly when Laxus gave him a warning growl. "Thank you, Laxus", Freed smiled and took a bite. He really was hungry so sandwiches were gone quickly. "I'm surprised you found something to eat in this island other than bugs."

"I didn't. Inside those were grasshoppers meat."

Freed stared at Laxus pale and shocked.

"W-what?" he stuttered and felt nauseous.

"I'm kidding!" Laxus said quickly. He wasn't but he didn't want Freed to start hurl.

"That was a bad joke, Laxus", greenette muttered. "I almost threw up."

"I'm sorry", Laxus said. "I didn't mean to cause that."

He narrowed his eyes and Freed got confused. Then Laxus grabbed his chin and turned his head.

"You've hurt your head", he said carefully combing the green hair aside with his fingers so he could see the wound better.

"Yes, when I fell in the lair of beetles", Freed nodded. "It's nothing serious, just a scratch."

"It needs to be cleaned right away when we have clean water", Laxus murmured letting go of his chin. "You shouldn't have come here. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I wanted to find you. We have to talk about what happened."

"It was something I shouldn't have done, ever", Laxus muttered. "You should be able to trust me but instead I did something that horrible..."

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