Chapter 74

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Freed muttered something while going through books he had opened on the floor. He made a copy of all the texts in the walls and everything there was. Even some little thing could be somehow important for the big picture. He might not be able to solve these texts here, but he could always continue studying them after they were home again and he had more time and books.

He twitched slightly and put down the papers he held, gently rubbing his stomach.

"It's okay, nothing will happen", he assured as he felt movements. "I know, this is a really scary situation but we will get through it. Your dad will make sure everything will be alright. As well as aunt Ever and uncle Bickslow", he smiled. "Yes, I think that sounds really absurd too, but they are very reliable", he chuckled and took his notes again.

Again he felt how the mansion shook and he was a little bit worried. It was better if he didn't go out this Chamber, this was probably the only place that could maintain all those powerful attacks there must be happening right now. He wouldn't be at all surprised if there was nothing left to the mansion at the end.

Ever and Bickslow ran quickly to the garden after Poppo had explained the situation. The sand was starting to fade from the air and that made things more easy.

"I see him!" Bickslow grinned when he spotted Laxus.

"I'm so glad that he is okay", Ever said relieved and they headed towards the lightning mage. "Laxus!"

Laxus turned his head, spiky mane moving and he smiled slightly when he saw his friends.

"We got your back, baby", Bickslow smirked his 'babies' twirling around them. "So kick that old bastard's ass!"

"Thanks, guys", Laxus said and he looked back to Lucados.

"Few vermins more, you think that is going to change the situation to better?" the old man huffed and brushed his hair with his fingers. "You are decades too young to even dream about winning a fight against me."

"Man, you're so full of yourself", Bickslow sneered.

"You big fool!" his 'babies' mocked.

Umanor walked calmly through the forest and stopped when he saw the familiar figure. Moranga was standing, but was crooked to the left from the middle. Obviously the demon was in pain, but not even a peep was let out as it slowly limped closer to Umanor.

"You're pathetic", the bigger demon grumbled and Moranga stopped. "Look at yourself. You're not even one quarter of the demon you used to be, Moranga. Your new master has drove you into your lowest point."

Moranga said or did nothing, just staring at Umanor. He had his mission, master had told him to keep away those intruders.

"We together are demons that have been serving in this family the longest, Moranga. We have had many kinds of masters and we have been agreeing to do many kinds of missions through all those years... New demons in this family like Valdeghar and Jish-Ahrna have never experienced something like that. We have always been strong and proud, never really gotten attached to our masters more than what is expected."

Moranga tried to straighten himself, but it didn't seem to work. Umanor could see how much Moranga was fighting against the pain.

"There has been good masters and bad masters and the current Lord is definitely a bad master. He isn't giving you even a slightest amount of trust or freedom, let alone considers you being more than just a low servant. You're nothing but a pet to him", Umanor spat. "He calls you out when he needs you, but he doesn't care what happens to you. You're in pain, Moranga. I can see that. Your pain must be greater than I can even imagine. Not just that wound, but the lack of a good bond. You remember how it feels to be really powerful when you and your master have a bond. You can never be at your strongest as long as the Lord keeps treating you like you're nothing more than a thrash bag for him."

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