Chapter 48

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For two hours Freed and Laxus just cuddled at the bed and exchanged kisses and caressed each other. It was nice, nothing sexual, only gentle making out and enjoying how they finally after nine weeks were able to be together again. They didn't care if there was storm outside or the wind felt like it was ready to blow away the roof of the house.

Freed smiled looking at the lightning dragon slayer, who had finally dozed off for a moment. It was clear that Laxus was more than just exhausted after the big mission. He couldn't yet tell what all happened, not before he fist talked with Makarov about it, but it was okay. They had time to talk what all had happened while they were apart.

Carefully Freed opened one of the bandages in Laxus' arm and examined the wound. Not deep, but still not just a scratch. He was happily surprised that Laxus had actually taken care of it like he should, not just splashing some water on it and saying that was enough. Freed crawled at the night stand and took out a little case, opening it. Inside there were ointment that would help to keep the wound clean and heal. After gently applying it on the wounds in Laxus' arm, shoulder and chest he wrapped the bandages back on.

After that he silently stood up and stretched. He felt better than in many weeks! He was no longer constantly stressing or worried or anything. He was just happy that Laxus was home and relieved that his mate was not that badly hurt.

Freed quietly slipped out of the bedroom and to the bathroom. He dropped the clothes on the laundry basket and stepped on the shower. He wanted to do something really good for Laxus. Should he bake something? Laxus' wasn't really fond to sweet things... And there was no point making dinner since Makarov had already prepared something for them.

Freed hummed while washing his hair. He had been so depressed he hadn't even showered properly for a couple of days. Slowly the tangles started to straighten from the green hair as he added some of the lavender oil in it.

Suddenly he heard someone grabbing the handle of the door and he got startled. He had locked the door after him and now he was glad he did it. It would be wonderful to have a shower together with Laxus, but... With no clothes to cover the slight roundness, Laxus would probably notice it right away, since the rune mage was always so strict to stay in a good shape. Freed just kept washing his hair and pretended like he didn't notice at all. Luckily, the handle was left alone after that one attempt to try open the door.

Freed stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel. He wrapped it around his hips and raised his fingers, drawing some runes in the air. He smiled when his magic was working and he felt a warm little breeze blow through his green hair, drying it. Then he grabbed his brush and started to brush his hair straight. It was never sure that his magic would work when he wanted. Sometimes it did without a problem just like it always had but sometimes he could do nothing. It was really frustrating for time to time. After every single knot was untangled, Freed pulled his hair up and tied it in a high ponytail.

He stepped beside the door and listened for a while the noises. Laxus was obviously doing something in the kitchen. He completely forgot to bring a change of clothes with him in the bathroom, so he should just quickly slip back to the bedroom and put something on.

Freed nodded to himself and silently he set some runes that would muffle all the sounds from everywhere but from the kitchen so Laxus couldn't hear him. Then he opened the door and sneaked to the bedroom that were still dark but now empty.

He pulled out a pair of boxers and put them on, then he grabbed the orange hoodie that was laying around and pulled it over his head. Yes, this was good. He only needed pants anymore.

Freed looked around for a while in the darkness and when he turned, he saw Laxus and cried out loud because of the sudden appearance. Or he would have cried loud, but he couldn't hear a thing because of the trap. He waved his hand and the runes vanished.

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